Soulmate Epilogue

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heres the epilogue for soumate!!  i hope u all liked this story!!

Alabama's POV

~ Eight months later~

I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach. I sit up and grip my stomach. I groan quietly and shake Wayne. "Wayne wake up the twins are coming." I say through my teeth.

"Five more minutes I'm sleeping." He mumbles sleepily swatting at my hand. Another pain runs through me. This time worse. Grr..

I lean down and kiss him lips softly. If this doesn't work I might give birth onto the bed and that wouldn't be good.. He comes to life under me and kisses back. So that's what gets him up. I kiss towards his ear.

"WAKE UP I'M IN LABOR!!!!" I yell in his ear. His jumps up and stares at me with wide eyes.

"Shit.. Sorry.." He says. He puts me into his arms and we head to the hospital in the castle. The contractions get closer and I let out a scream. Wayne places me onto the bed. "She's in labor!!" Wayne yells while rubbing my hand. Abril, Attie, the king, the queen, and the doctor all appear in the room. I let out another scream as another contraction hits me.

"Someone get them out of me!!!" I yell. Abril comes over with a syringe and sticks it into my arm.. My lower body is numb suddenly. Wayne looks at me with wide eyes and rubs my hand. Dr. Lockheart rips off my shorts and puts the covers over me. Abril has a video camera in her hand.

"Don't video tape this!" I yell at her. Wayne just rubs my arms sympathetically.

"Sorry. Too late!" She yells. The day she has kids.. Dr. Lockheart looks at me then at Wayne.

"It's time for you to push Alabama." She says.

And I push.

~Five hours later~

Finally five hours of labor and they're finally out. I lean back on the pillows completely exhasted. Wayne smiles at me and kisses my lips softly. "Good job, Ally.." He whispers. I look at him. He smiles and stands up to walk somewhere.

Marilyn (The queen) walks over to me with a blanket in her arms. "You two have such beautiful children. Look at him." She hands me the blue blanket. I open my arms to meet dark green eyes. A patch of dark brown hair is on his head. He looks alot like Wayne..

"Little Alistar... Little Alistar Dimitri.." I coo. I smile widely. He's so beautiful. I kiss his forehead.. His skin is pale like me and Wayne's.. I notice two small fangs in his mouth. So cute..

"Can I hold him?" Wayne asks. "I'll give you her if you give me him.." I look up at him. His eyes shine brightly at me. I hold my arm out for the pink blanket and he takes Alistar and gives me the girl.. I look down at her..

"She's so beautiful.." I whisper. "Ms. Anriella Hope.." Her eyes are a sky blue with violet streaks in them. There's a patch of silky red hair on top of her head.

"We got a carrot top!! Woo!!" I hear Abril yell. I shake my head at her. So her.. Anriella has milky white skin like me and Wayne.. She looks like the both of us.. She's so pretty..

"Pretty girl.. Pretty girl.." I coo at her.

"My boy's prettier." Wayne says defensively. I start laughing. I look up at him. He has an eyebrow raised.

"Do you know what you just said?" I giggle. He nods. I just giggle again and shake my head. Wayne sits down next to me and plants another kiss on my lips. I kiss him back and then pull away. I look up and see Abril looking down at me with a camera.

"Pictures of the new family!" She yells.

"There's another one coming too.." Attie says while staring at Abril with love in his eyes. I stare at them in shock.

You're my soulmate?...And you're a what?!?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن