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Saturday, October 8, 2016

"How'd your date go?" Elijah asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Why are you doing that? And how do you know whether I was on a date or not?" I questioned, glaring half-heatedly at him.

"Mason texted me yesterday saying he had run into you and your boyfriend," he said, smirking knowingly at me, "no wonder you've been in such a great mood lately."

"Of course he told you," I muttered, crossing my arms.

"You guys were out pretty late last night," he said suggestively.

"You are a perv," I told him, "And we went to a cafe the park and then went to go see a movie, then he took me home."

Eli rose his eyebrows at me, "Who're you dating?"

"His name is Levi," I said with a sigh.

"Isn't that the guy Kyle keeps going off about? I thought you both hated him?"

"I don't hate him, Kyle does," I corrected him, spinning around in my chair.

"So how'd the date go?" my brother asked again.

"It went well. Obviously, he's my boyfriend now," I boasted, smiling brightly. "Oh, and also...Mason asked if you were single, he seemed pleased when I told him you were," I added.

Elijah sprung up from my bed, tripping over his own feet and falling to the floor, letting out a shout of surprise and pain. He composed himself before sitting cross-legged on the floor and looking up at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

"He asked if I was single? That's the greatest thing ever! Too bad I have to wait for two years, this is unfair," he grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Aw, poor baby," I cooed.

He glared at me, "Who're you calling a baby? I'm older than you, dummy!"

"By seven minutes!" I exclaimed, throwing the closest thing at him.

Luckily it was a softcover book...oops.


I looked through the books on the shelves, looking for something I might be interested in reading. I felt like I was a hermit at the bookstores and libraries, I always spent my weekends there.

Well, most weekends.

I usually saved my allowance for a few months, and spent over half of my weekends at the library doing homework and then reading books that weren't in series. Mostly because libraries never have the entire collection of any books, and if they do, it's rare.

"Hey, Jamie!" I heard a cheery voice say, seeing a black-haired, tall boy.

"Hi, Mason," I greeted him, barely glancing at the boy before I continued browsing the shelves.

"What're you doing here?" he asked, pretending to look at books near him.

"I'm looking for some new books," I answered simply, turning the book I had in my hands over to read the description. "You?"

"Just decided to look around."

"Are you going to ask about Elijah?" I asked, putting the book back on the shelf and grabbing a different one.

He flinched, laughing nervously, "What gave you that idea?"

"You're just pretending to look at books, I bet you can't name any of the ones you 'looked' at without having to look at the spines," I mumbled, adding the book to my basket.

"Oh...well, is he interested in anyone?" he questioned, looking at me with a hopeful look.

"If you count yourself, then yes," I told him, adding a few more books into my basket.

His face turned pink, "He likes me?"

"Of course he does."

"Should I ask him out?"

"If you want to be a criminal, yes."

"Wait, how old are you guys?" Mason wondered, looking shocked at how many books that had ended up in my basket. "And how many books are you going to buy?"

"We're sixteen, and as many as I want," I told him, looking at the bookmarks they had on a rack before taking a few of them, seeing that Mason's eyes went wide.

"Can you even afford all that?" he asked, looking somewhat concerned.

"I've been saving all the money I've gotten for well over a year now, and I'll be checking the prices of everything when I sit down to read."

"Has he ever dated anyone before?" he questioned, putting his hand on top of my head like it was some kinda armrest.

I huffed in annoyance, "He dated this one girl for, like, a week...I think."



"Holy crap, how many books did you buy?" Elijah asked with wide eyes, staring at the large pile of books on my desk.

"Almost twenty, I think...I also ran into Mason again, he asked about you again," I said, putting the books into my bookcase.

"He did? What'd he want to know?" he questioned, smiling at me as he took a seat at my desk, handing me a new book whenever I put one on my shelves.

"He wanted to know if you were interested in anyone, if you ever dated anyone, and if it would be a good idea to ask you out," I mumbled.

"He wants to ask me out?"

"Yeah, but then he thought it'd be smarter to wait until you were a legal adult," I told him, adding my new bookmarks into the small basket on my desk.

"You're a hoarder," Eli said, reading the back of one of the fantasy books I had bought.

"Whatever, I like books, okay?"

"And cutesy bookmarks too."

"If you're going to keep telling me off, then leave."

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