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Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've updated hasn't it? I've been sitting in front of my laptop screen with the draft open, telling myself to start writing or at least do something instead of just staring at it like it's going to change. But, I haven't been able to do anything. Everyday I tell myself, I'm gonna update my stories, I'm gonna publish another chapter today... that doesn't end up happening at all, even if I do start writing a couple of paragraphs. I've been dealing with serious writer's block- to the point where I'm finding myself questioning my writing abilities and the inspiration I had when I started writing my stories. This apology isn't just for Bloodshed, but for all of my other stories that I hadn't updated in a while as well.

I don't blame you guys if you're irritated or annoyed or frustrated with me, because I am too, and unfortunately, I probably won't be updating for a while. I say probably, but maybe things will change? I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 

The worst thing is that I have so many ideas for Bloodshed and Red Ledger and all the other books that I have published, but I can't actually convert the ideas into writing and it is so FRUSTRATING. I've had writer's block before, but it never got this bad, for this long. This block has basically been set on me since the start of summer, which sucks because one would have thought with so much free time, you would get so much more done, right? I don't know, maybe I need the pressures of school to get me back in the game in terms of writing- it was fine before summer started so... I don't know. 

Anyway, thank you so much for still voting and commenting and reading my books despite the long period of time without anything new being put out there. I wrote this letter (is it a letter?) as not only an apology for you guys, but to inform you that I am not actually dead! I am alive, dreading for the first day of school but secretly glad because I've been so bored with all my free time these past 2 or so months, and still experiencing writer's block... ugh.

Until next time (hopefully soon- I don't know though- with another chapter *finger's crossed*)


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