the begin

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On the car of Selena....

Bruno-There is a place for the car right there! (pointed his finger to the place)

Selena- Im seeing

(Selena stop the car on the place Bruno said and they got out of the car)

Bruno-This place is huge!

Selena- Normal! You know how many famous we are on the america?

Bruno- Well true....

(Selena and Bruno start listening "Sugar" of Maroon 5 on some car that was almost near them and that car stop next to them Adam and Ross get out of the car)

Adam- Brunoooo! heyyy

Ross- Heyyyy Bruno and Selena, if you will ask for my sister,well, she is not with me, actually, she pushed me way

Selena- Maybe because you did something! i miss your sister! hope see her here!

Ross- I hope don't see her never

Selena- You are really mean! How?

Ross-Because she is to me.

Selena- Well ill not stay here, listen to your stupiness!

(Selena went out and the boys stay talking)

Selena's Pov

"-Boys are really mean, i can't understand that! Well hope my brother don't talk that of me ! (Someone go against her) "

Selena- Be careful! ( she looks to person and stay suprised) OMG, im so sorry! i didn't want to be mean, you're Shawn right?

Shawn- Yes it is me, well, it was my fault , im sorry, you are okay?

Selena- Yes... yea i am okay really okay thanks

Shawn- well.. thank god (smiling) so.... what you are here because of the message?

Selena- Yes, you are too?

Shawn-Of course... well wanna enter with me? I'm a little nervous to enter

Selena- ( laught) why?

Shawn- Because i don't know what is!

Selena- Well im really happy ! I wanna escape from many things...

Shawn- Oh.... bad moments?

Selena- Some... well,past that i don't want to remember, so let's go?

Shawn- Yes

(Shawn and Selena enter on the door)


On Taylor's car

Tove- We arrive!!! oh shit and there is my brother... UGH

Taylor- And mine....


Taylor- well we knew that they would be here...

Tove- yes right... but let's put the car on other place

Taylor- yes let's try screach!

(Taylor and Tove pass for the same place 20 times and they couldn't found other place, they had a place only next to Adam's car )

Taylor- I think we have to give up....


(Taylor and Tove were going to put the car on place until someone appeared and put on the place frist, Taylor start to honk the horn and the person get out of the car)

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