When You're ready....

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(Bruno leaved Selena alone without telling nothing and when Selena was entering on the tent someone goes against her)


Person- OMG Selena again?

Selena-Shawn? I dont believe..... 

Shawn-Why we are always crossing paths?

Selena(laught)-I dont know... Its strange

Shawn(smile)- well i let you pass, you have bags

Selena(smile back)-Thanks

Shawn-Wait, I mean let me be gentleman (laught, he grabbed her bags and put on the corner of the tent near to her room) Like that is better !

Selena(look to him)-Thanks, for real...

Shawn-Welcome...You deserve, a girl like you deserve for sure! I mean, you...

Selena(laught)-What you mean?

Shawn(stay nervous)-Nothing... Uhm... I.. Well was nothing...

Selena(turn around and sits out there with her jacket looking to the sky, Shawn join her)- You know what I like about these?

Shawn(looking to her, like he had saw an angel)- No...

Selena-Getting here, was the best thing for me... I was tiring of being home, always the same thing, the same people... Here i can be with other people, other country, other air... But the thing, I like to do always no matter where I am, Its looking to this huge sky full of stars and think on my life...(Look to him)

Shawn(look to her eyes)-I understand what you mean... Its like other dimension....

Selena-Yes.... (she put her head down) Its complicated things in life.... You know ... I had a complicated time.... 

Shawn(put her face up)-I've heard about... I was always texting Taylor for see if she knew about you... Like you knew you were close...

Selena(stayed speechless and suprised)- You did? Well Taylor told me but I tought that she was joking...

Shawn(look to her eyes serious)-I did, you should believe on your best friend(smile)

Selena(laught softly)-I trust her... But... Like you barely know me, only for the awards and the partys that we all go and we stay at the same table because we have the same friends....

Shawn-Well, on that partys we always talk and try many times talk to you after that... but i hadnt the courage, youre older than me... Im like a little boy... I didnt knew what to say

Selena(look to his eyes)- And... What is the problem?

Shawn(tries to get closer)-nothing......

(Selena steps way and stand up)

Selena(with her head down)- Well its better we sleep... Good night (she enters on the tent and then she goes to her room and close it)

Shawn(talking alone)-Stupid....

 (He entered on the tent and goes out there play guitar for a while, while Selena was listening, she stayed thinking and when she was almost going to him, he entered on his room, she was sad for her own attitude , while, Shawn on the other side of the room, was also sad for his attitude, he was thinking that he shouldnt did that)


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