Will be the end of the war?

11 2 0

(After the busses left the famous could walk around the campsite, most of them were already on the pool bar for have breakfast)

Ross- Man there is so many things to eat!

Bruno- True, so who with you stayed?

Ross- Stayed where?

Bruno-Duh, on your tent!

Ross-Oh... Martha Hunt

Bruno-Who is her?

Ross- An angel from Victoria Secrets

Bruno- Other?

Ross- Other?

Bruno- Yes, I don't believe! (He looks to the door)

(Adam and Rihanna enter, Rihanna go near her group and Adam goes to Bruno and Ross)


Bruno-What happen to you, I called you!

Adam- Oh man you will not believe

Ross- You were with Riri?

Adam- You don't know her so don't say Riri

Ross- Whatever man

Adam-Yes, we went to bathroom


Adam- Separately, you stupid's

Ross- So? What was the fun?

Adam- None, was weird because one guy starts talk to me and I had to search on google one Portuguese name... and Rihanna suffered the same problem

Bruno- And so? You were doing something for the boy talk to you and its normal it can be one of the ones we will chose, that's why they are here

Adam-I was singing, and the boy know my song

Bruno-Maybe he is your fan

Adam-That's fantastic

(While they were talking they went sit on the table)

Adam- So you guys are with whom?

Ross- Martha Hunt'

Bruno – Karlie Kloss

Ross- Now make sense

Adam- Rihanna


Adam- yes, but back to it what makes sense

Bruno- Yes Ross

Ross- You said "other?"

Bruno- Shut up

Adam- So you both will love your view

(On this moment enter Martha, Gigi, Karlie also Blake and after them enter Josh and Tove)

Adam-My sister with Josh of that band??

Bruno-What is going on?

Adam- I didn't want to see my sister with someone hate that look at them laughing I'll go there now

(Ross pushes him down)

Ross-Let her

Adam- You're really the younger brother

Ross-Yes, I am

Adam-So don't be on business for grown ups

Ross- Lol, seriously Adam

Bruno- Yes c'mon man!

Adam- If was Selena there?

(Then enters Selena and Shawn)

Bruno- Shawn Mendes?

Adam- See, told you

Ross- You guys are paranoiacs

(Then Selena and Tove went to some other table)

Ross- See now they are alone because you both seamed psychopaths looking to them

(Then enters Taylor alone)

Bruno-Damn why she is alone?

Ross- Is called Karma

Adam-Stop being cruel to your sister, is being stupid man

Bruno- Yes, past stays on the past

Ross- For me doesn't

(Taylor is choosing and go say hey to her friends)

Bruno- She knows Karlie?

Ross-She knows everyone there

Adam- My god that girl has a lucky

(Then Taylor go talk to Selena and Tove something and they look to them)

Bruno-Why they are looking to here?

Adam- I would like to know

Ross-Must be something that Taylor is saying

(They go up and go on their direction)

Adam-So strange

Bruno-They are coming guys

Ross- Lol

(They sit in front of them)

Tove and Selena-Taylor idea

Taylor-There was two conversation that make realise some stuff

Bruno- One was mine

Taylor- Yes, it was

Adam- Yes, he talked well there

(While they all eat and talking, only Ross didn't talk, when Ross went to go way Taylor went after him)

Ross- What you want?

Taylor- Just want to talk please? We need to solve this... Just please if not now, be after we go watch the kids?

Ross- I don't know let's see after

Taylor- Okay, at least give me a chance to tr to understand where I failed... I'm not a bad sister you know but we discuss that later

(Taylor went way and all the famous went to take the transportation to go see the adolescents training)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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