Do I know you?

7 1 3

(Ross stayed watching the group go way and then he starts complain alone)

Ross- This guy is crazy, he leave me here and say "bye" really? ( he enters on the tent) leave me here without know nothing, this world is totally lost... Hey sorry, you.... (He saw a light) Good night... Are you listen.... This people are so rude... (He look to the tent and saw a blonde girl with headphones and he seams know her , in meantime he was looking, the girl looks cause she tought she saw someone , before she turn around, Ross dissapear and get out of the tent, the girl was a little bit curious and so she she left her headphones and went out of her room and went out of the tent)

-Hey...Who are you?

Ross- Hey...Im Ross Lynch and you?(he was looking to her for see if he remember from where he knows her)

Martha- Oh, Im Martha Hunt... OMG youre that boy from Disney! (Laught)

Ross- I was, past times (Laught)

Martha- Oh yes, sorry (laught)

Ross- And you are an angel right?

Martha- Yes thanks, I know (laught)

Ross (smile)- Oh you understood what I mean, but well, it can be a complement as well..

Martha (laught)- Oh thanks and yes I understood and yes Im from Victoria Secret, Im a model!

Ross (stays looking at her and he remembers on the time)- Wait! You are friend of Taylor Swift?

Martha-Yes! At so many time I dont see her, but, I try always talking to her!

Ross-(stays toughtful) Oh cool...(says lowly for she doesnt listen) I wish i couldnt see her at many time too...

Martha- What?

Ross-Forget (smile) Ill sleep (he took of his shirt and starts walking to the tent) Good night!

(Martha stays looking at him)

Ross- Hey...Are you there?

Martha(Looks down) yes I am good night!(she enters on the tent and open the her room and close it)

Ross-So fast, like that?

Martha(laught)- Go sleep!

Ross (smile) Im going... but i would like...(he opens her room and go to his and close it)

Martha(stand up and goes on his room and open it) What?

Ross(smile) Really? Nothing (Laught) im joking, go sleep

Martha- Im going...(she wents to her room and close it)

Ross- You will not close mine?

Martha- Nope, now we are even!

Ross(smile)- Okay(he close his room)

(Both of them while closing stayed smiling and thinking)


This other throwback after Bruno leave Ross on his tent

Hope you like it!

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