the discussion...

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Taylor's Pov
"- I dont know why we are , I mean, I doubt the message is real... Well hope this Will be good and also hope my team be good as well , because I'm seeing All the famous going on groups of 6 , I would rather be with my brother than stay with stupid people...'
Camila- Taylor! Taylor
Taylor- What happen?
Camila- Im going I wanted to say goodbye I'll go see who my group is... Well see you girl! Then we texted okay?
Taylor- okay , good luck!
Camila- Thank you (smile)
( Taylor smile back , while Saw Camila wenting way.)
Selena's Pov
"- Well Shawn went way now... Was great talk to him... He is Soo kind and gentil ... Okay Selena stop... "
(Selena watched Taylor Alone too and went to her)
Selena- Hey Taylor! OMG sooo many time , how you been?
Taylor- Selly ( give her a hug) I been good and you?
Selena- good too planing Next album...
Taylor- same but you Will can girl I love All your albuns!
Selena-Awn thanks girl ! You're really a good friend , i love your albuns too!
Taylor- Thanks girl! Well you came with someone?
Selena- actually I came with my brother but now I don't where he is because,then,arrived your brother and Adam and they Started talked things I didn't want to hear and so I went way and then ( She blocks)
Taylor- then .... What? What happen?
Selena- ohh.. well .. then I found Shawn and I stayed talked with him...
Taylor- Shawn Mendes? OMG ! Hmm... Why you stayed Soo nervous when you were saying who you found?
Selena- nervous!? Never!
Taylor- (laughs) well as you want girl ...
Selena - Yes , changing the subject...
Taylor- Nothing good on my life if you want to know
Selena- Seriously?
Taylor- Yes...
( They hear their names being called )
Both- OMG..
( Selena and Taylor went upstairs and enter on a room was big but it have 3 chairs but then it enter on Room Tove, Adam, Bruno and Ross and the boys start to sit and the man that is their stay looking for them)
Manager- Well boys, if I were you I would give the chairs to the girls...
Taylor- Ohh forget they dont know how to be gentleman...
Adam- Oh shit ... Will Start this ... With her talk... You think we are who? Your ex's or "enemies"?
Taylor- Hmmm... Let me think... You are my Enemy so you are included ( laught ironicly)
Adam- Thank God , it was What I wanted!
(Tove give a slap on her brother)
Adam- Ohh the bestie ever...
Ross- You already know how they are...
Tove- Shut up..
Adam- (with a girl Voice) shut up shut up , its All you know saying...
Tove- It's better than say What i want to say..
Taylor- Yes girl let them talk , don't care about what they say..
Selena- Yes it's better
Ross- you too? You were sooo quiet!
Adam- She always have to come on the conversation too.
(Bruno stand up)
Taylor- Now? (Looking for the manager) see they are soo Stupid that ONLY now remind to give the place...
Bruno- At least I got up
(The manager starting looking for the clock and counting the minutes , the discussion went on for 30 minutes, until they stop)
Manager- Im impress... How you want to be a team?
Adam-  We don't! We can't Change?
Manager- No, the team's were already maded, so you have to solve your problems!
Adam- solving? It's Impossible
( Taylor role her eyes)
Manager- I don't care! You will have to work as a team!
Ross- Or not...
Manager- downstairs it's a car waiting for you for take you all to the airport
Selena- And the bags?
Bruno- Really?
Selena- I'm talking to the manager not with you
Manager- They're already There ! You can go
( They went out and go to the limbo )

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