The arriving (Famous side)

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(All limousines of the famous arrive at campsite , it was dawn, when they arrived they got out of the limousine and then some guy give to all groups the intructions and which were their tents, but, for they go to tent the nominated responsible for the group would have to leave the all members of the group)

when the guy arrived to TTSABR , the guy gave the paper to Bruno and said:

-Bruno, you were the less that was on confusions, put these guys on order please! Also dont let no one of them touch this paper!

Taylor-Im sorry? He was on the confusion, he didnt gave a sit to the girls!

Tove and Selena- True!

Adam- I trust Bruno...

Girls- Thats chauvinism!

They all start fight again , while the guy goes way he tells to Bruno :

-Good luck, man!

(Bruno was watching the whole scene, then he goes to the door of the campside, after a while they all start looking for each other)

Adam- Where is Bruno?

Tove- Its there sitting (Point with her finger to Bruno)

(They all go the direction of Bruno)

Ross- Whats up bro? you dissapear?

Bruno ( stands up with a mad face)- Impressive! We are always fighting! I dont know how you think we will be a good mentors to these kids... Will we always be fighting in front of them? Its that we want to show? Its this image of the kids that are our fans you want to pass? Well, be my guest, but, I think we should have more respect we are all artists! And never forget that these kids there (pointed to the park and the tents) some of them are your biggest fans and admire you! Only saying... Now lets go! Ill say where each one of you stay!

(They all stay suprised and look to each other but they also start to be toughful and they follow Bruno)

Bruno- Here stays Adam ! Good luck with your partern that I dont know who is!

Adam- Thanks bro!

(Bruno still walking on the park and the others are following him, then Bruno stops )

Bruno- Here its Ross and also the same things like I said to Adam, I dont who is on you tent but bye

(Bruno leaves with the girls and Ross stays looking)

(Later Bruno does other stop)

Bruno- Tove you are here ill not repeat the same again, bye.

(Tove wanted to say something but Bruno and the girls already went way, in mean time Bruno leaves Selena too near and then he goes leave Taylor)

Bruno- Taylor, here is you, bye

Taylor-Wait, please stop!

Bruno- What you want?

Taylor- I know that well.... (she was thinking)

Bruno- You will talk or...?

Taylor-Your speech i stayed thinking...

Bruno- What is wrong with my speech?

Taylor-  Nothing, for the contrary you are right, Its really awful that the kids that will stay with us see us like it, we have all to solve all problems! And ill give my frist step, by apolagizing to you, lets all gonna be friends and forget what happen?

Bruno- Gosh (suprised face) Im suprised! Taylor Alison Swift apolagizing to me? This deserved a video!

Taylor (laughts)- Its not everyday!

Bruno (laught)- Ill take the chance so!

(they give a hug, in meantime, someone appear)


People these other one ill make the parts that Adam , Ross, Tove and Selena knew their partern of tent then ill continue this :)

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