Later you will know...

7 2 3

(One voice starts to talk to everyone at the park)

-Dear students, be fast, we all have things to do, be outside in 10 min!

(On Bia's tent, she only had woken up now and hear something, she looks to the other side and her roommate already had gone way, so she called Aryane on her way to bathroom)

Aryane- Where are you?? Are you kidding?
Bia- Good morning for you too! I'm just going to bathroom now and then dress also eat something you are on the pool bar? Please ask a croissant with ham and cheese, I give you the money then!

Aryane- What?? You? ARE YOU CRAZY?

Bia-Calm down what happen? Don't ask so, gosh... bad mornings

Aryane- You have 9 min for be ready!

Bia-Why? (arrived at the bathroom and entered on showers)

Aryane-You didn't hear?

Bia- What are you talking about? (turn on the shower and put on speaker)

Aryane-Teacher said on speaker that we have 10 min to be there now 8 min!!

Bia- WHAT THE HELL?? OH, will try being fast! If I can't tell that I was feeling bad of stomach and went to the infirmary!

(someone laughs)

Bia- Who is there laughing?

(No one answer)

Aryane- Bia you're crazy!

Bia-I know bye love you! (turn off the call)

(On the pool bar)

Mariana- So??

Catarina- Yes what she said?
Aryane- She is crazy she will stay for take shower still and dress and do all her things because she wakes up when she called me also, she said if she doesn't show up on time for we arrange some apologize

Claire- So Bia!

Sara-That's right!

(Nuno, Tiago and Mario appear)
Nuno- So where is her?

Aryane- Being Bia!

Tiago-That's so specific

Rute-She is being her

Mariana- Don't try they are dumb as hell

Tiago- Excuse me?

Catarina- Calm down, she is still there

Mario- But it misses 2 min

Ines- She will not care

Mario-So we go and that's it

Aryane- We go and try to...

Claire- Arrange time for her!
Catarina- Great idea! Ary tell her!

(Aryane call her while walking to the door)

Bia- Yes? I'm on the middle of my shower!

Aryane- So be fast! We are going buy you time!

Bia- Ops okay! Thank you, baby!
(Ary turn off)

Bia- WOW, so gentle

(someone laughs again)

Bia- Am I a clown? For real stop laugh

Someone- Sorry, no girl you aren't

Bia- Thank you, who are you?

Someone- I'm just a person, it's better you be fast and don't talk to me, at least, you have friends that care about you

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