Part 9 - Ferment

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Dylan's neck brace came off after a week. The bone had healed enough for him to move is slightly and slowly. He was sat up on his bed with the table pulled up to him. He sent Sam on a mission everyday to find a crossword he hasn't already done.

"Last one... state of agitation and excitement among a group. 7 letters, the first is F and the fourth is M" Dylan tapped the table with his pen

"Ferment?" Sam piped up

"Yes! Thank you! Have you been practicing? Last I remember is that you would put random words in the boxes without looking at the clues" Dylan smiled

"Haha!" Sam laughed, "no, I had a posh sergeant at the camp and he would use words like that, it was a good job on of the corporals had a dictionary" Sam said

"Sam, when can I go home?" Dylan pleaded

"Sacha said he would check you today, then maybe" Sam said optimistically

"Good, Dervla has probably been missing me" Dylan frowned

"You broke your neck and you had to be put in a coma for 5 days! Dylan you can't ignore this" Sam fussed

"I'm not ignoring it, I just don't really want to keep having flashbacks of a wall falling on top of me, and then the last thing I hear is you screaming and Jeff footsteps." Dylan pushed the table back to the end of his bed then turned his back on Sam

Sam took a deep breath then walked around to the other side of the bed and sat next to Dylan. She put a hand on his shoulder as a tear fell from his eye. He quickly wiped it and sniffled.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having flashbacks?" Sam said quietly but comfortingly

"I was scared." Dylan admitted

"I'm here for you Dylan. Forever. You're never going to be able to get rid of me! Because I want to stay with you, because I care for you and because we need each other and because I love you." Sam kissed his cheek

"Ok but I'm still forgiving you for leaving. There were nights that I was scared and you weren't there, what's changed?" Dylan asked

"I thought being in the army was going to be glamorous. Well not sparkle and fluff but you know what I mean. I saw things I wouldn't want any other person to see and I wanted out. My uncle was a war hero, I wanted to be like him but I couldn't face it" Sam explained

"It looks like we both need to be more honest with each other" Dylan said

"I promise" Sam said

"I promise too" Dylan said

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected Feelingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें