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Josh suspiciously scanned the arena park looking for the tall familiar frame of one Troy Cassidy.  He would be easy to identify.  One, he was rather tall almost at six feet high, and two, he was always thronged by a bevy of giggling school girls as if he was the latest singing sensation or something.  As his eyes stretched from left to right, Josh was pleased to affirm Troy’s absence.  He had nothing personally against the guy, but he was determined to keep his fourteen year old crushing sister at more than an arm’s length away from the Casanova.  Just as Josh slanted an approving smile his sister’s way, a voice from behind interrupted Josh.

‘Shanna, hey you made it,’ a familiar voice greeted from behind Josh.  He arched his body towards the sound of the voice from behind.

‘Hi,’ Shanna laughed nervously.  ‘Sorry I had to ask my brother to chaperone me, or my mum would not have allowed me out tonight.  Two pairs of accusing eyes stared intently at Josh.

‘Chris,’ Josh smiled, unfazed by the reproachful glare.  ‘I’m satisfied, it’s you my sister has a date with and not Kingman High School’s resident heartthrob.  He could hear his sister’s embarrassed soft groan next to him, but Chris challenged teasingly.

‘Oh, I thought that was me.’

Josh laughed good naturedly, belatedly joined by Shanna.

He was walking away from his locker the following morning when something he witnessed irked Josh.  As he lifted his head, he studied Kaz in conversation with one of the boys of the school.  From Kaz’s body language, she did not look relaxed.  Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the boy she was conversing with in a discreet corner of the locker room.  A loud gasp escaped Josh’s throat next as he observed Kaz handing the boy some cash.

Shoving the notes into his pocket, the boy strolled away with a satisfied gaiety.  His curiosity piqued, Josh was determined to investigate what Kaz was paying the other student for.


She spun around, surprised to discover she had company.

‘What!’ She answered roughly.

‘Why were you paying Tristan Payne money?’

‘It’s none of your business, Preacher Boy.’

‘Tell me,’ Josh demanded, gripping her wrist.

‘I said, “mind your own business,”’ she snarled.

‘Is he trying to extort money from you?’ Josh probed.  He knew Tristan was an unsavoury character.

‘Back off!’ She stabbed her index finger at his chest, sending him reeling backwards.  ‘I have enough people breathing down my back,’ Kaz stormed away before Josh could respond further.

The encounter with Kaz and Tristan troubled Josh throughout the day.  He had been less than his normal attentive self in his classes.  Even Ms. Shaw had noticed Josh’s preoccupied state in both her math and English classes.  When school ended Josh raced to the car park and speedily climbed onto his bicycle.  Again securing a position of vantage, he followed Kaz, as she raced away in the direction of her block of flats.

Panting and exhausted, Josh had just dismounted his bicycle, when Kaz exited her block of flat in jeans and a T shirt.  She was heading in the general direction of the zoo, probably to do her bird cage duties.  He could not follow her there.  He had to head home or risk his mother’s wrath for being home late from school for no justified reason.

The next day Josh was convinced Kaz was deliberately avoiding him.  He knew all the spots she hung out at all by herself he could find her nowhere try as he may.  She was nowhere to be found.  Oh she attended each class punctually, but pointedly ignored him even during the breaks.  After the last lesson, when the bell signalled the end of school for the day, Kaz was up like a speeding bullet.  Purposefully, Josh took his time packing his books.  The second Kaz was out the door Josh hurriedly pulled out the hoodie from his backpack and slipped it on as he left the class.  He caught sight of Kaz’ slender frame and pony-tailed blonde hair and discreetly followed her.  Keeping his head down and pretending to be busy on his cell phone, his eyes did not lose sight of her. 

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