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 It was a month since the day Kaz had knocked on Dominic’s door, agreeing to the adoption and making Dominic and Ryan very ecstatic. As a “welcome home” gift, Ryan had bought Kaz her very own bedroom suite.  Something she’d not had before.  At her guardian’s place, she’d used a second hand bed during her stay there. Without being too explicit, Dominic had updated Kaz’s wardrobe, with more jeans and designer T. shirts.  Kaz loved them, but scolded Dominic for spending too much money on her.  No pressure was put on Kaz to attend church. Every Sunday when the Shaws and Ryan attended church, Kaz slept in, until Dominic returned, then they would prepare a family lunch together. Neither did Josh, her boyfriend put any pressure on Kaz to attend church with him.

All in all, Dominic was very happy to have Kaz around. Kaz could often be blissfully heard laughing with Mr. Shaw or robustly arguing with him about cars .

Some weeks later.  It was a Friday afternoon.Josh was sitting on the lush grass in the Shaw’s garden together with Kaz. They were playing music and having sandwiches and coke. Dominic and Ryan were in the patio, working on the guest list for their wedding. Dominic could hear Kaz giggling about something. She looked up and smiled, feeling so joyful to see Kaz carefree. Her eyes full of bright laughter these days. Even Kaz’s social worker hardly recognized Kaz anymore. She had transformed from the angry, serious, recluse to a bright, cheerful, beautiful out going young lady. Dominic looked down again, when Ryan informed her of another two colleagues from the local newspaper he’d like to include on the guest list.

‘Sure,’ Dominic smiled, adding the names to the already bloated guest list.

 She looked up again when she heard Kaz squeal with laughter. Josh was tickling her with a blade of grass. Kaz used the bottle of sparkling water next to her and sprayed Josh’s face.

‘Honey, I want your attention please,’ Ryan moaned.

‘Sorry,’ Dominic murmured and shifted in her chair, giving her attention to Ryan.

‘Kaz,’ can I ask you something,’ Josh used his handkerchief, to wipe away the sticky water from his face.

‘Ask away,’ she munched on her chicken sandwich.

‘Tell me why you have such an aversion to hearing about God.’

Kaz stopped chewing.  She tried to swallow the little morsel of food in her mouth, but it went the wrong way and she choked. Josh quickly patted her back none too gently, to relieve her air pipes.  Kaz coughed and sipped from the water. Dominic looked up with concern.

‘Okay now?’ Josh smiled.  Kaz nodded, she wrapped up her uneaten food and pushed it away.

‘Kaz, are you going to answer me,’ Josh prompted, using his index finger and thumb to force her to look at him.

‘No, okay! No!’Kaz stood up.

‘Why not?’Josh breathed heavily. ‘I feel there’s a burden you’re hiding from. Tell me why talking about God, makes you so angry Kaz.’

‘I said no!’Kaz raised her voice angrily.

 Dominic looked up with concern, hearing Kaz’s raised voice.  The pen fell from her hand.  She observed Josh lift himself up and reach out to Kaz. She hastily stepped back. 

Kaz could feel burning rage consuming her.  She wanted to run far away from Josh.

‘Talk to me please Kaz,’ Josh persisted, gripping her arm.

‘Leave me alone!  Leave me alone!’ Kaz screamed.

‘Kaz!’Dominic rushed down the stairs.

‘I want to help you,’ Josh gripped her shoulders.

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