Chapter Twenty-Three

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"What? What did he say? Why are you not telling me that he's on his way?" Yoongi asked, bombarding the confused blonde boy with his questions as he tried calming down the crying drunk.

"Because... I don't k-know either."


Jimin was never one to stutter.

"You don't know? What do you mean?" Yoongi cocked his head to the side, his soft side taking over as he realized how intimidating he must've looked.

"He just... Hung up. He didn't say anything. He just ended the call."

Yoongi smirked.


"That means he's on his way."

While the two sat and waited, both on either side of the young, childish boy beside them still crying endlessly into his arms, Jimin had suddenly felt a familiar bile taste in the back of his throat.

"Jungkook, gotta-" The blonde boy cut himself off as he gagged into his hands, the alcohol that he'd consumed nearly an hour ago finally catching up to him.

"S-stay with Yoongi!" Jimin said as he ran off to find the nearest restroom.

Jungkook, being as drunk and saddened as ever, had no idea what Jimin said, he just continued to bawl into his lavender sleeve.

Yoongi watched the dancing crowd move up and down to the beat. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the bar tender glaring viciously at them. He was ready to go and ask him what his problem was when, he suddenly remembered.

Jungkook almost quite literally bought the whole bar's worth of booze, and hasn't paid a single cent.

The male quickly turned to Jungkook, not paying much mind to it as he patted him on the back softly but urgently.

"Hey, I'm gonna go pay for your bill. Stay with Jimin, okay?" Yoongi said rather loudly, his voice fighting against the loud rhythm that erupted from the dance floor. He turned and walked away, completely unaware that he'd just left Jungkook alone, no Jimin to look after him.

Jimin walked back to the tables with joy, feeling happy that his stomach didn't feel like a dumpster anymore.

"Kookie~" the blonde sang, "I'm ba-"

The chair was empty.

"Yoongi motherfucking hyung!!!" Jimin basically screamed, frustrated that he didn't know Yoongi's family name.

In a short time the other was by his side, worry written all over his face as he thought something had gone terribly wrong.

And indeed it had.

"W-where's Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, whipping his head from side to side as he looked for the younger boy frantically.

"You tell me! I told him to stay with you!"

"Bullshit! I told him to stay with you!"

"How is that even possible?! You were with him when I left to..." Jimin trailed off,
"Barf." Jimin finished, quivering in disgust at the thought of being bent over the toilet, hurling out his insides.

"Well, I just left him for like three seconds!"


Taehyung's deep voice boomed, echoing throughout the entire club. Even with the loud music muffling out almost every noise, he managed to turn almost every head that was in a twenty-foot radius. (So basically the whole club)

The pair, no longer arguing, turned around in unison. Both terrified of Taehyung's protective side.
Yoongi got an idea.

"I know! I'll just call him..." Yoongi said, reaching in for his pocket and-

Yoongi's phone wasn't there.

Jungkook walked quickly down the dark streets of Seoul. His tears had dried and faded, his determination distracting him from shedding any more.

He looked at Yoongi's phone once again, before taking a right down a street that looked like a very expensive neighborhood.

He looked around, then once more at the phone, before taking another right.


Straight two blocks.

Right again.


The boy looked closely at the silver lock that rested on a giant concrete gate. The fence stretching all the way around, making an almost impenetrable entrance into the massive house—this one was probably a mansion.

There was only one thing that kept it from keeping everything out. Or rather, someone.

The silver gate was unlocked.

Before Jungkook hesitantly entered the gate, he looked along the side of the opening, reading the confirming letters that sent butterflies into the boy's stomach.

Kim Residence

Non-business related mail will be sent
Back to sender.

The boy walked along the long stone path, holding his shoulders, trying to provide some warmth for himself.

He knocked on the door, only to have nobody answer.

He waited there a few minutes.

Three minutes...



Tears suddenly made their way back to the boy's pretty, swollen eyes as he began to quietly sniff.

Why the hell does he even try?

Taehyung doesn't like him, that much was clear.

He'd done nothing but treat him like shit, he should've taken that as a hint.

Why did he even try in the first place? He knew that in the end he'd never get someone as perfect as Taehyung.

He knew that Taehyung wouldn't want some stupid puppy to have to clean up after. He should just leave now.

He should just turn around and-

Taehyung stood behind him, tears falling freely down his cheeks.

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