Chapter 7

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Chuuya sat up with a gasp As he looked around. Getting up he walked forward for a moment before he came to a tree with a swing on it. Their was a small girl on it staring at the floor humming softly to herself.

Are you
Are you
coming to the tree?

Where a dead man
Called out for his
Love to flee

Strange things
Did happen here
No stranger would
It be
If we met at mid-night
In the hanging tree

Are you
Are you
Coming to the tree?

Where I told
You to run
So we both
Be free...

"Hello sir!" The small girl said looking behind her with a smile still holding on to the swing.

"Hello" chuuya said squatting to her eye level.

The small girl hummed turning around again so her back was to him, "I suppose your here to make me go back" she whispered.

Chuuya signed getting up and walking to the side of her, another swing appeared beside him. He took a seat looking at her for a moment.

He could tell that it was a younger (y/n) maybe 5 or 6 years old at the least. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and happy (e/c) eyes. Much different from the (y/n) he had just met.

"I don't want to go back... it hurts.... everything hurts... I don't want to hurt anymore" she whispered hugging a small bear closer to herself.

"If you come back with me, I promise that I'll keep you safe" he hummed going to touch her head.

(Y/n) eyes widened terrified, as she fell out of the swing and crawled backwards fast, "D-DONT PLEASE I DONT WANT YOU TO DIE TOO" she screamed tearing up.

Chuuya eyes widened as he was slightly taken back. Getting off of the swing he walked infront of the small girl with his head tilted, "what makes you think you can hurt me?" He asked sassy in his voice.

The girl hugged her knees resting chin in them, "everyone dies... everyone Ive ever care for or touched dies because of me" she muttered.

Chuuya sat With his legs crossed watching her curiously, "I get it, I've lost my fair share of friends" he said softly.

Young (y/n) looked up at him going to touch his hand before her eyes widened and she grabbed her forehead screamed. Black blood spilled from between her fingers as she continued to scream with wide eyes.

She slowly changed back into her old self as she craved in on herself.

"LIESLIESLIESLIESLIESLIESLIESLIES" she repeatedly over and over again.

Chuuya went to move but found himself unable too.

(B/n) Appeared next to (y/n) holding her whispering something into her ear as the other girl started to slowly fade in her arms.

(B/n) looked up at chuuya with a blank face, "release" she muttered sadly.

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