Chapter 12

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(Y/n) sat up with a choked breathe as she grabbed her face, breathing in and out heavily.

"Nightmares again?" (B/n) name asked sitting on the end of the bed.

(Y/n) looked up at her staying quiet for a moment before speaking, "it's nothing" she mumbled getting out of her bed.

She stopped for a moment looking at the bed her eyes widening. (Y/n) took off out of her room and into the kitchen breathing hard at the scene in front of her.

"You look like shit" Chuuya chuckled sitting at the table next to her sister.



'I'm sorry'

(Y/n) eyes watered as she covered half her face with her hands, "(s/n)?" She whispered out.

(S/n) eyes widened as she got up, "I can explain! Please don't be mad!" She said walking towards her sister.

(Y/n) back up shaking, "n-no. No" she whispered.

(S/n) grabbed (y/n) hands pulling them way from her face, "remember when we were kids? And we used to play, you could never beat me. Do you remember why?" She asked softly.

"Because you were a fucking cheater" (y/n) muttered staring at (s/n).

(Y/n) signed softly touching her sisters face, (s/n) closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, it wouldn't have worked other wise" she said.

(Y/n) signed moving away from (s/n), "it's fine I should of known" she hummed walking towards the table sitting next to dazai.

"Good morning (y/n)-chan~" he sang with his chin in the palm of his hand.

(Y/n) yawned waving hello to him, (b/n) appeared next to (y/n) with a serious look, "I have a question about something that's bothering me" she spoke.

Everyone looked at (b/n) as (y/n) nodded her head.

"We weren't connected At all after (s/n) 'died' so how did you have as much power as you did to kill all of those guys. (Y/n) you used your shadow to kill them. In theory that should of killed you in the process" (b/n) explained.

(Y/n) looked down at her hand flexing her fingers, "raw emotion" she muttered.

"What?" Chuuya asked

"It seems that her gift is based off her emotions" dazai hummed curiously.

"I figured that shitty dazai! I meant if she doesn't have complete control over her own power how would raw emotion give off that much power?" He said glaring at dazai.

"I'm not a normal blood born witch. Well- I mean I am a blood born witch. But- I- I had a different power when I was younger" she tried to explain but didn't know how to word it.

"So witches can have different powers when your younger than when your older?" Yosano asked.

"No not usually, the only cases when a witches power changes is because they've died and came back from hatred." Blaine said says.

"But that's not possible I know for a face that (y/n) hasn't died or destroyed anything to that Extreme" fiend said getting up annoyed.

(Y/n) looked down at her hand playing with her fingers, "a-actually that's not true" she said quietly.

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