Chapter 11

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The girl stared at (y/n) as she walked towards her, "you misunderstand my feelings towards my mother, Ellie's" (y/n) hummed softly squatting in front of the injured girl on the floor.

"Your a monster" Ellie's growled spitting on (y/n), her eyes darken as her arm rotted and she grabbed the younger ones neck.

"Careful there Eli your in no place to be saying things like that~" she sang as the girls neck started to rot, her skin turning black and bumpy.

Ellie's screamed as (y/n) dropped her, the girls neck going back to normal.

(Y/n) turned her back on her as she walked the others, "Blaine did (b/n) tell you to open a portal?" She asked.

Blaine nodded her head, her hand going into her skirt pocket.

"You know the queen wants your head" Elle spoke watching her carefully.

(Y/n) hummed starting to pull something out of her back pocket, "we shouldn't disappoint her hm? We can send her a head" she hummed in a questioning tone.

Elle trying to crawl back but noticed the shadow on the floor keeping her in place, "no please, please I'll do anything! Don't kill me that way" the girl pledged tearing up.

(Y/n) turned her head towards her, her eyes starting to turn black, "I haven't even done anything to you yet" she stated.

"A rusted butter knife right, that's what you have in your back pocket" Elle spoke quietly.

(Y/n) took out the object and sure enough it was in fact a rusted butter knife.

(Y/n) poked her chin with it, "you know maybe your right, I'm not under her control anymore. I don't have to do something as barbaric as make you behead yourself" she spoke walking towards the girl.

"STOP" Atsushi yelled grabbing (y/n) arm, "we don't have to kill her!" He told her shaking his head.

(Y/n) signed starting to the knife away, "fine I won't" she muttered looking at Atsushi.

A small clicking sound was heard as (y/n) dropped the knife, grabbing her head screaming. (B/n) appeared in front of the group before starting to be pulled towards (y/n) parts of her fading in and out.

"(Y/n)?!" Atsushi said worried for her holding her arms.

Black blood filled her eyes and dripped down as she looked at Atsushi with her head tilted at an unnatural angle, "you don't want to join the queen do you~?" She asked holding her arm out towards him, "I guess your all just have die~" she said the veins in her face dark and black.

(Y/n) screamed as the black veins in her face rushed to other parts of her body. Atsushi fell back at she looked down at him with no emotion, " pitiful witches really" she hummed her arm rotting up to her elbows, like she had black gloves on.

Atsushi eyes widened as he realized he couldn't move, (y/n) squatted Down with a soft hum. She tilted her head staring at him with her completely black eyes, "you look so worried Atsushi~ don't worry I'm not gonna kill you.... yet~ first I'll get rid of everyone else and then I come back for you~ make you watch everyone die and your useless to do anything~" she manicly laughed looking at everyone else.

"Usually I would say if you hurt her I'll rip your arm off and kill you with it but, right now we have to disable her. And regular pain isn't going to cut it. So rip her limp from limp if you have too. Just make her stop moving" fiend said pulling a knife from her pocket and ran towards (y/n).

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