Chapter 9

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(Y/n) sat on the roof of the highest building in her broken town. Leaning her head back against the railing she stared up the sky signing softly.

The door to the roof opened behind her, "fuck off fiend" (y/n).

A soft chuckled sounded behind her, her eyes widened before going back to nomral, "are you here to kill me?" She muttered softly not looking at the person behind her.

"Please, it's more fun to make you jump yourself~" a voice taunted behind her.

(Y/n) looked back to the shadower user behind her, "oh so the queen sent you then?" She said with no emotion.

The person in the cloak smiled humming to themselves, "you know the queen likes you so much~ your her favorite test subject actually~! Not being able to die is her field day. You know I think she really enjoys watching the life leave your eyes again and again and again~." They sang holding their face giggling.

(Y/n) got up facing them, "so you want me to throw myself off this building?" She asked.

The shadower smiled more nodding.

(Y/n) hummed stepping back her heels of her feet knocking off small loose pebbles, "and if I don't?" She asked with a raised brow.

The cloaked figured grinned laughing more, "we'll just throw more of your little friends off of suicide peak~ remember just like the last witch you wanted to protect~" them said calmly.

'NO STOP LEAVE HER ALONE' (y/n) screamed watching the queens shadowers throw a small girl off a cliff.

(Y/n) closed her eyes reliving that memory, "fine" she muttered throwing herself back as laugh echoed from above.

(Y/n) fell 20 feet down before strong arms wrapped around her mid back and under her knees. She opened her eyes surprised. Looking up she was met with annoyed blue eyes.

"H-how?" She muttered in disbelief before a sinking feeling settled in her stomach and she started to push on chuuya's chest.

"NO NO YOU HAVE TO LET ME FALL I DIDN'T FULFILL HER REQUEST" she screamed her eyes widen as she kicked her feet, his grip got tight around her.

"God damn stopping moving idiot!" He said growing annoyed.

(Y/n) places her hand against chuuya's chest her eyes blank of any emotion.

"I can handle it, you don't have to do that (y/n)" (b/n) said appearing above (y/n).

(Y/n) looked at her, "get rid of it (b/n)" she muttered softly as (b/n) nodded touching her cheek.

(Y/n) gasped slightly as the veins in face turned noticeable black before (b/n) disappeared.

Chuuya feet landed on the ground before letting (y/n) down.

" (Y/N)-CHAN YOUR SO MEAN! YOU WERE GONNA COMMIT SUICIDE WITHOUT ME" he whined running to hug (y/n).

Blaine tossed Dazai to the side before grabbing (y/n)'s cheeks and stared into her dead eyes, "what's your name?" She asked softly looking worried.

"(Y/n)" she replied softly.

"And your last name?" Blaine questioned next.

"(L/n)" she answered.

"Okay okay name everyone here" Blaine said.

(Y/n) looked at everyone her eyes darker than before almost black, "Dazai, atsushi, chuuya, fiend, and you Blaine" she said looking back at the girl in front of her.

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