Chapter 8

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(B/n) looked up at chuuya with a blank face, "release" she muttered sadly.


A few moments before

(S/n) watched boredly as (b/n) tossed fiend like a rag doll, "idiot" she muttered.

Taking her staff out she quietly made her way towards (b/n). Once she was behind her (s/n) drove blade at the end of her staff through the back of (y/n)'s Head.

(S/n) eyes watched (b/n) with no emotion before kicking her back hard, removing the blade from her head. (B/n) dropped to her knees as everyone else gasped releasing from (b/n) magic.

Present time.

(Y/n) slept soundly as she cuddled up to something warm. Her legs curled in under her as her head leaned against what felt like a chest.

Opening her eyes the first thing she noticed was a grey vest, looking up she was meet with piercing blue eyes.

She yelped before falling off the bed blushing madly, "I wasn't- I didn't- why am I?! With you??" She said not finishing any of her sentences.

Chuuya sat up chuckling to himself, "for someone that tried to Kill everyone not even 24 hours ago, I didn't take you for a cuddler~" he teased with a small smirk.

(Y/n) turned a darker red if that was possible as she puffed her cheeks, "honestly it was probably (b/n)" she muttered looking away hugging her knees before realizing her skin was on full display.

"HeY don't blame your cuddly side on me" (b/n) said from behind them.

Chuuya eyes widened as he looked behind (y/n) at (b/n).

"She's not a threat she's better now" (y/n) muttered softly.

(B/n) looked down at (f/n) humming, "can't move?" She asked.

"(Y/n)? Can you move?" Chuuya asked looking down at her.

(Y/n) hummed slightly, "my body hurts" she muttered.

Blacked rot wrapped around (y/n) as (b/n) lifted her into bed.

"(Y/N)!" Fiend screamed running into the room stopping at the end of the bed.

"Your wake thats a relief, everyone here been worried sick about you" Amy said moving the curtain to the side, with her was Blaine, Dazai, and atsushi.

"How you feeling?" Atsushi asked

"Like my body been throw throw a grinder" (y/n) muttered

"Has it?" Blaine asked

"No, judging by how damaged her fingers were they used a thumbscrew on her" Amy said.

"Thumbscrew?" Chuuya asked.

Amy waved her hands infront of her chest before a black mental object feel into her palms, "this, they use this to crush the fingers and big toes of victims. Commonly they used it to make other confess the names of other witches." Amy said tossing the useless tool behind her before it turned to blue dust.

She walked up placing her hand on (y/n) head, "do you mind if I..?" She asked softly.

(Y/n) looked at her, "if you want I don't care" she said.

Her body turned a light blue before she sat up flexing her hand open and closed, "thanks Amy" she smiled looking up.

"Me next~ me next~" (b/n) sang holding her broken hands out to Amy.

Amy went to touch (b/n) before getting her hand smack away by (y/n), "NO" she screamed her eyes wide, "p-please don't touch her" she muttered.

(B/n) giggled distortedly resting her head on (y/n) looking up at Amy with a twisted smile, "she's right that's probably a bad idea to do that~ don't want to rot away do you~" she hummed closing her eyes.

Dazai Moved his hand going to touch (b/n) before a rot like rope wrapped around his wrist, "I am not kidding don't touch her" (y/n) said with her wrist up the block rot coming from within her skin.

"Come on (yuyyyyyyy/nnnnn)~ I know you had fun the last time you rotted someone~ come onnn~ DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT" (b/n) said repeating the last two words over and over again.

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP (B/N)" she screamed before disappearing pulling her hair.

Battle cry (chuuya x reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt