Chapter 3

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I don't own anything

Eddie climbs down of the roof top and heads to the streets trying to blend into the crowd.

Darkness: What is your plan?

Eddie: I need to find out Lilith has gone maybe she can give me more information or clues at what I'm suppose to be looking for.

Darkness: May want to try at the business office. It looked at the woodlands.

Eddie alrighty then the woodlands is out next stop.

Eddie makes his way to the woodlands were he reaches the business office. It seemed that he was the first one their probably because it was only starting to open.

Just then a man with a pure white eye stood behind him.

Man: Of you've gotta be fucking kidding me!! When did you get here?!

Eddie: Just now, why got something urgent to talk to then about?

Man: Yeah I fucking do!

Eddie: Well what's it about?

Man: it's none of your damn business asshole!

Eddie: Calm down man I didn't mean anything

Man: Oh here we go yeah you telling me to calm the fuck down. Let me guess your another rich asshole who's gotta meet the mayor about something important right?!

Eddie: no,actually I'm not rich I barely make enough to pay my apartment and also I'm looking for someone.

Man: ha! Good luck getting in then!! You'll be lucky if they even listen to your sorry ass for more than five seconds!

Eddie:.......I'm guessing that you've never made it inside?

Man: No dipshit I haven't because they always fucking pull some bullshit excuse not to see me or anyone else about their damn problems!!

Eddie: and how long have you been waiting?

Man: To fucking long! and whenever I get close or I'm about to get inside they always usher me out the fucking door saying that I'd have to wait until they can schedule a fucking appointment!!

Eddie could see that the man was obvoisly frustrated he must have been waiting for days maybe even weeks.

Eddie then makes room for the man surprising him.

Man: What the fuck are you doing?

Eddie: Well I figured that since you've been here longer than me then your matter is probably more urgent than mine.

Man: So your going to let me just cut right in front of you?

Eddie: One condition though you have to tell me why your here.

Man: Ok asshole I'm here looking for someone that's gone missing she hasn't been seen for a while and her sisters getting really worried about her.

Eddie: I see your looking to file and investigation report for her, yeah your matter is more urgent than mine so go on right ahead.

Eddie then lets the man cut in front of him

Man: Thanks man its nice to know that not everyone is a complete asshole in this city.

Eddie: No problem and if you ever need help with that missing person give me a call.

Eddie then slips the man his card

Man: private investigator? the fuck is that?

Eddie: Basically people that go on cases withought the regulations of the government we can choose our cases and our clients.

Man: And you'll just go looking for whoever we ask you to look for?

Eddie: Well yeah I do that or if you need dirt on someone I can also do that or if you need to find out the truth about something or someone I ca help you with that too.

Man: Heh, you know what you just might be a blessing in disguise. And You'll just take our case?

Eddie: I will, I've taken on hundreds of cases like yours so I can easily take your case.

Man: Well shit man tell you what if I dont make it inside to day then how about you come with me and Ill give you all the info you need.

Eddie: Deal, besides I need to take a break on the case  that I'm working on now.

Man: What wrong with it?

Eddie: Lets just say that it nearly killed me.

Man: Oh, well I can get that I guess.

Eddie: Yeah whats your name anyway?

Man: Gren, and your Eddie?

Eddie: Yeah, nice to meet yah Gren.

Gren: Same here eddie.

Hours passed as they waited and eventually they saw a man with a five O'clock shadow just cut the line opening the door to the business office.

Gren: What the fuck you think you can just cut in line?! Ive been standing here for hours!

Man: Yeah I know I'm taking cuts.

He then walks into the business office as Gren mumbles

Gren: Motherfucker

sadly neither Eddie or Gren were able to make it inside the business office as the woman named miss white told them that they would not be taking anybody today.

Eddie and Gren walk down the hall as he yells.

Gren: Can you believe that shit?! they didn't even give us the fucking time of day!!

Eddie: I know, I starting to feel that this government only looks out for itself.

Gren: That's it man that's exactly fucking it they only look out for them fucking selves and fuck everyone else!

Eddie: Well then its a good thing that you ran into me then isn't it?

Gren: Yeah it is, do you know were Trip trap is?

Eddie: Yeah its actually kind of close to were I live.

Gren: Good meet me there and Ill tell you all you need to know about this the girl.

Eddie: Alrighty then meet you there.

as the two leave each other the darkness talks to eddie

Darkness: Why are you talking to this simpleton we nee to fin the men who attacked us and kill them!!

Eddie: relax  alright I have a really good feeling that he might be involved in this.

Darkness: And how would you know that!!

Eddie: Lets just call it a gut feeling.

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