Chapter 12

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I don't own anything

Eddie, Bigby and snow had just headed into the puddin and pie. George tried to stop them from moving forwards but Eddie just punched him in the face. And they moved to we're crane was at.

They found crane shaking some girl trying to get her to confess something but Bigby grabbed crane and was prepared to punch him in the face but snow stopped him.

Bigby throws crane to the ground and the man begins crying.

Snow: How long?

Crane: What?

Snow: How long has this been going on?

Crane: To, to many

Eddie: So why did you do it?

Crane: I- I lost so much to this damn town I thought i deserved something back!

Eddie: So you murdered two innocent woman just because you were pissed of with the town!

Crane: What?! No no!! I never murdered those girls you have to believe me!!

Eddie: Then What the fuck were you just on about?! Taking shit from fabletown!

Crane sighs

Crane: I may have taken some money from fabletown treasury in order to fund my-

Crane looks at snow for a brief second before looking down at the ground again.

Crane: Activities. But I never killed those girls! The girls they'll tell you everything as soon as I get this stupid ring to work.

Crane then tried to use the ring but nothing happened as Bigby blocked his path making sure he didn't get to close to the woman.

Crane: Damnit tell me who killed her!!

Woman: My lips are sealed

He then falls back to the ground crying once again.

Eddie: You really fucked up here crane.

Crane: I know I know! It's just.......I love you snow!! I love you so much and I'm sorry that I'm not price charming! I'm sorry I didn't cheat on you and leave for Europe!!

Snow: You don't love me crane!! I know what this is and this isn't love!!

Crane: But-

Eddie: Let me tell you something you creepy ass son of a bitch. You have no idea what is your just a creepy stalking pervert who only cares about one thing, sex. You don't care about her or her feelings if you did you never would have done any of this stupid shit. All you are is a selfish unlovable prick that nobody's gonna miss.

Snow: Well said mr Brock.

Snow then lowers herself to crane level and looks him in the eye and then sighs.

Snow: Bigby

Bigby: Yeah?

Snow: I don't think he did it.

Bigby: What? Are you sure?

The two went back and forth on wether or not crane was the killer. I had to agree with snow on this one though. This crane looks more like a coward then anything else. He wouldn't have the balls to send hired hitman after me to my apartment. And he wouldn't have the gall to have to have that red haired woman slit my throat. Their was another player in this.

Finally Bigby and snow and come to the same conclusion and decided to take crane into custody since he did admit to embezzling from fabletown. Bigby read him his rights or whatever and we headed out the back door.

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