Chapter 11

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I don't own anything

Eddie had finally made it to greenleafs apartment were he saw Bigby and snow where waiting for him.

Snow: Eddie, I'm glad to see that you made it here ok.

Eddie: Yeah, their were a few issues but in the end those hitman won't be bothering anyone ever again.

Bigby: Why do I almost feel sorry for them?

Snow: Anyways we need to get inside we've been waiting for you to get here. And luckily it you came only a few minutes after we did.

Eddie: alrighty then hopefully greenleaf will be here this time.

Snow: Wait you've never met greenleaf in person?

Eddie: No but I met her daughter Rachel, she's the one who's helped me with Lilly's case. If her moms not home maybe she could help me again.

Snow then knocks on the door and Rachel answers it.

Rachel: Hello?

Eddie: Hey Rachel it's me Eddie. Listen we're looking for a man named crane. Has anyone been over recently?

Rachel: No, I'm sorry mr Brock buts just been me.

Eddie: Weres your mother?

Rachel: Oh, she's out grabbing some stuff.

And now Eddie was suspicious, this was the second time the mother has left the child completely unsupervised in New York City nonetheless.

Eddie: Hey Rachel we need to go inside, it'll just be for a few minutes I promise we just need to make sure that everything checks out.

Rachel sighs as the opens the door letting snow, Bigby and Eddie in.

Rachel: I'm telling you nobody's been here!

Eddie looks at her and she only scowls at him.

Rachel: Fine mr. Brock I'm going to trust you and your friends here to not break anything here or get me into trouble.

Eddie: I promise that we won't do anything of the sort.

Snow tapped eddies shoulder

Snow: Your pretty good with kids, I'm impressed.

Eddie: Sadly in some cases the child is dragged right in the middle of a conflict so I've had to learn ways to talk to them and get what I need for my investigation.

Snow: Impressive, I was thinking since that you've been so useful on this case.......perhaps you could work for fabletown? Right now with all that's going on we need anyone that is willing to help and since you know we exist then perhaps you would be willing to help us further?

Eddie: I'll have to think about that snow, your throwing a lot at me here and I'm still not sure if I still even want to continue to be an IP. But I'll give what you said some thought.

Snow smiles

Snow: Thats all I can ask from you mr Brock.

Eddie shakes his head and begins to help begin look for clues. The two search the apartment up and down but find no evidence that crane was here or were he could have gone. Eventually the two were about to give up until Bigby stumbles upon a wooden case with a white deer symbol on it. Rachel looks at it horrified.

Rachel: No,no,no please put that back right we're you found it!

But Bigby grabs it looking at it further as Eddie recognizes it from the butchers place.

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