29. | Alternative Ending

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Callie stared up at Luke with wide eyes before quickly reacting as she grabbed the knife, screaming loudly. All of a sudden the noise of a door being kicked in was heard and a bunch of armed police offers filed into the house, their guns out and ready.

"Freeze!," one yelled, running into the room Callie and Luke were in. Luke slowly glanced up at the officer who had a giant gun aimed at him, before dropping the knife and placing his hands up. Another officer walked in, grabbing Luke's wrists and placing them behind his back, handcuffing him.

Another one cme in, helping Callie up. "You're safe now. But we're going to take you to the hospital to get checked out. You seem to have some wounds," the man explained to Callie. She nodded, willingly taking the officer's hand.

They dragged Luke away, throwing him into a police car as he screamed and protested, his face red with anger. Callie walked out of the cabin to be met with camera flashes and people yelling out to her. They helpful officer set her in the back of an ambulance that was here as a paramedic wrapped a blanket around her and began to inspect her face.

The police car Luke was in drove away, back to the police station where Luke was interrogated. Callie was inspected by the paramedic, asking how she was found.

"A few joggers heard a bunch of noise coming from here and the cabin isn't suppose to be used for anything. It was closed down years ago," She said, rubbing ointment onto Callie's cigarette burned arm.

A familiary yell filled Callie's ear as she snapped her head up to be met with her mother and brother's relief filled eyes full of tears. They ran over after breaking through the barrier, pushing back the paramedic tending to Callie's wounds, pulling her into a tight hug.

Callie's eyes filled with tears as she hugged her mother and brother tightly in a group hug, releasing a sob. She was finally safe, finally where she needs to be. In the arms of her family.


Luke was thrown into an interrogation room, seated in a chair as a detective came in an asked him about Callie's disappearance. Luke yelled and screamed that it wasn't him, it was Andrew's fault. So, the detectives pulled up Andrew's records to show he is very much alive, living in Florida with his lovely wife Liz.

They pulled Luke's record to see that he was a bit of a rebellious trouble maker with a bit of issues. After the interrogation was up, Luke was brought to the back of a truck where he was sent to Eichen House Mental Institution.

He was placed in there for schizophrenia and multiple personailty disorder. He was to be kept under a watchful eye at all times and wasn't allowed to socialize with the other patients. He got his own special little room and his own doctor to watch his every move.

Once it was time for trail Luke was brought out of his room, taken to the court house where he saw Callie yet again. He ended up having an anxiety attack yelling about her being Haley and she was back to seek revenge.

She had to be taken out of the court room and be questioned on video so Luke wouldn't freak out. Luke was found guilty for manslauther and was sent to be at Eichen House for the rest of his life. The Flinn's argued for the death sentence but it was denied since his death sentence was being isolated for the rest of his life in the mental insitution.

Luke sat in his bed, his knees to his chest as he heard the whispers of Andrew and Haley, telling him that this was all his fault.


here's the first alternative ending! hope you guys like it!


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