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Lance waited outside in the blazing hot sun for Pidge to open the door, as it was locked. “Lance hello.”

“Pidge hi.”

Lance came inside to the homey house that smelled of Vanilla and Pumpkin spice. “Hi, Sam,” Lance waved while walking upstairs to the room.

After everyone arrived they started the Campaign again. “Hunk,” Lance whispered and Hunk looked over “what's Pidge’s character's name.”

“Ah his character's name is Meklavar”

Pidge coughed “Guys I gotta tell you something,” his voice wavered, fear slicked back on his tongue “I'm a I'm not a boy or girl, meaing I prefer they them pronouns and I’m nonbinary but please don’t be mad!” Allura smiled and hugged her. Hunk and Lance were shocked but Hunk registered and hugged her also.

Lance thought of every time, he's called them a he and all the times he's said things that would register them as a male. He thought of everytime they didn't fix him, and all the times he thought his emotions for them were wrong because they were a guy even if they were small amounts of emotion. He even thought about the first time they met and how they never said they were not a boy and he assumed that they were a he. He sat there thinking of all of these not moving barely breathing, causing Pidge to think that she'd done something wrong and wasn't accepted by him.

“Lance I'm sorry I was just, ya know I don't want to offend you I just thought that maybe now would a be a good time I was just,” they frantically spoke trying to keep their best friend.

Lance started to move, Pidge started to cover her face as if he would hit her, instead he hugged her, she sat there in his arms crying. “Pidge don't cry, I'm sorry, I was just thinking, I promise I accept you and totally support you I was just shocked,” finally Pidge hugged back squeezing Lance's torso.

Time skip brought to by the amazing Bebo

Sharpshooter: Who are you

21panic!romance: You honestly don't know

Sharpshooter: No

21panic!romance: I'll give ya a hint, you hate me

Sharpshooter: Lotor

21panic!romance: I HATE HIM TOO BRO SAME but no not me

Sharpshooter: huh umm Ezor?

21panic!romance: Nope, maybe you don't hate me just dislike me

Sharpshooter: Oof that's a long list

Shit in the making

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