CHaP 12

72 4 0

Yeeted yoted let me die

Sharpshooter: Hey, Kinky that offer still stand

Kinkster: Of course why

Sharpshooter: Why else would I ask, I’ll be over in less then 15 minutes

Kinkster: Still straight I see

Sharpshooter: Keep talking like that and you’ll get a lot more than you bargained for

Kinkster: Alright mister

Maybe Lance was overreacting, maybe he was hoping for a reason to over react. All he honestly knew was that he was down with over reacting and just getting over this whole sexuality barrier.

Pidge had finished packing clothes for themself and their brother, they would have four days four days to get their brother back. They were excited but also nervous what if he wasn’t actually there or he was dead or what if they couldn’t find him the worry was starting to out way the rest of their thoughts and feelings.

Greentrea: Allura are you sure this is ok

Allura: Yes it is I promise ok, also don’t be weirded out when my dads ask you a bunch of questions, I told them that you’re my girlfriend

Greentrea: heh yeah it’s fine I told my parents the same thing

Allura: Ok now stop being so worried if anything we have Nyma and Rolo

Greentrea: Not any better

Allura: Come on xhill out

Greentrea: I will try I’ll see you soon I’m done packing so I’ll be over soon

Allura: Ok Coran will probably open the door

Greentrea: Ok

Hunk on the complete other hand was having no issues with relationships he was happily with Shay well supposedly married according to Lance and Pidge. He was happy hanging out with her and sometimes Romelle and Ina would tag along, once upon time he would want the attention of his friends he always felt as if they ignored his presence but now he has these friends along with his friends but he just feels passed over sometimes. He loves them with all his heart but he also cares for these three all the same. They were all his friends and he loved all of them and it didn’t matter.

“Hunk, you look down.”

“Ah it’s nothing, anyway whose turn is it?”

“Well it would be your turn but we changed the pattern twice because of losing track, so it is in fact Romelle’s turn,” Ina said in a monotone voice.

“Is she human?” Hunk asked the other two.

“Yes?” shay said back.

Romelle smiled, kissed Ina on the cheek and grabbed the controller to play Mario brothers. They had to take turns because Hunk hadn’t charged the other 3 controllers and the spare was broken.

“If you keep smashing the buttons like that you’re gonna be killed by the plant monster,” Ina said as Romelle was killed by a plant monster.

“Ugh you cheated by saying that,” she said handing the controller off.

It had been an hour and all three friends were exhausted. Pidge was worried, Lance was sore and worn out, Hunk was happy and asleep.

“So what was more than I bargained for?” Ryan asked.

Lance honestly hadn’t thought about what he had said, it was honestly an empty threat. Now he hadn’t any more time, he wasn’t  drowning in thoughts of Keith anymore that brightened his day. “Go out with me?” Lance said, this was a mistake and he knew it but it was his senior year and he wanted to go out with a bang even if school had started almost a month ago.

“Sure.” Ryan may have been his last choice last year but laying there in his bed made him realize maybe he was the good guy and the right choice.

His lips were covered by darker ones, they tasted sweeter than honey, they had no bitter taste to them like cigarettes, the foreign flavor was a nice flavor.

Lance’s phone was blown up by messages from Veronica, and his mom. “Shit I gotta go,” Lance said, getting up quickly picking up his clothes and putting them on messingly. He may have looked like was just messing around but he had to get home he didn’t have time to make himself look presentable.

“Lance where have you been, mom has been so mad she’s been getting her chancla ready to hit us with goddamn why are you acting up all of a sudden?” Veronica asked mostly said though.

“Sorry I was with a friend.”

“Who none of your friends would let you ignore your phone?”

“You don’t know em, and it’s only like 8.”

“Yeah you were supposed to be back by 6 to watch Honey and Theo but guess what you didn’t do I had to leave my game for them you asshole.”

“Sorry I forgot.”

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