TeR 11 (MIKE)

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"Is that ice cream?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what kind you wanted so I just got you Maple Nut."

"Thank you," he said grabbing the cone from the boy, "Now why were here, isn't because of that book place, pssh, no it is for the water tower."

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Rules are meant to be bent, now come on," Keith said grabbing his hand and pulled him to the water tower, Lance was unsure that his parents would be happy he was hanging out with Keith or breaking any laws.

They climbed up the ladder, while Lance was sure he would fall and die and that his ice cream had a better chance of surviving, but he also was having a fun time. Although Keith seemed perfectly fine he was worrying about James and Shiro as they would both probably yell at him, Shiro for breaking the law again and James would be because he was hanging out with Lance, James was very possessive. Keith was convinced that is because he loved him but anyone from an outside perspective would realize it isn't.

They reached the top, licking their ice cream to stop it from dripping on their hands. It was about 5 or so and it was fall turning winter, if the seasons were extreme enough to show a dip in weather, so the sun was about to set the view stole Lance's breath. "I love it up here," Keith whispered.

After talking and eating their Ice cream, which Lance rubbed in he finished first, all his anxieties seemed to disperse in the air and his old playful fun self was there showing. He missed being like this, careless, joking, loving, honestly happy he hadn't been like this since Rachel and his Dad had passed, it had been two years ago and he had gone through the 5 stages of grief twice but he couldn't go back to being happy-go-lucky his anxiety for everyone had taken over and replaced most of his personality. "Lance?" Keith said stabbing his thoughts away like a Samurai.


"Nothing, just sayin with your strict parents you might wanna start heading back."

"Oh yeah," but he didn't move they were both drawn in by eachother's auras, it was a pulling feeling or a pushing one. Almost as the three fate ladies were pushing them together. And as soon as someone can say Pickles or how long is Optimus Prime in semi form? Lance kissed Keith's cheek. Keith was shocked and Lance laughed. His phone rang and he ignored it.

Keith's arm were starting to show, his thighs were peaking through his jean shorts. Lance started to stare at them, analyzing the boy in front of him, seeking a reason he was so intrigued. He pulled up his little shorts, Keith slapped his hand in an instant.

"Your cutting?" Lance said quietly, feeling worse about his bad habit of speaking without thinking.

Keith's eyes started to water, he hated when people found out. "No."


"Because, because, I hate this body, this life, me, why keep living when everything you are you hate. Maybe I should just listen to Allura and stay away from you."

Keith laid back to look up at the sky, mostly so his tears wouldn't fall. "Your beautiful, your amazing, how can you hate you. Life is terrible but you can't have a beautiful picture without a few mistakes," and that's how Lance realized he was destined for nothing but mistakes.

"Lance just give up, ok just go, there's no reason to reason with me. I'm an idiot I know just leave please," this recipe was filled with anger, and sadness and pity.

"Ye-yeah I'll go. Keith there's no point." Lance said.

"Fuck off Lance, mental health isn't a joke."

"Yeah I fucking know."

He was walking, not wanting to go home or to a friends house. There was no reason for him to feel any resentment, or anger bit he did towards himself.

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