cHaPPie 18

37 2 0

“Why'd you start dating Ryan?”

“Well, it's a long story.”

“I'm here all day.”

“We we was doing dah ya know, and I was all like wanna waste my time? And he was all like yeet.”

“Wow romantic.”

They were sitting on his bed now, Lance hit his shoulder “As if you can talk, Mr. Yellatyoutillyouloveme.”

“Hey screw off.”

Greentrea: Bitch how tf do I ask if we are actually dating or not

Lancelot: YOUR DATING, also what happned to Matt.

Greentrea: Well maybe but like idk she says I am her gf but like shs never asked me out so like???? Also Matt's fine he was running away from taxes, and him and Shiro had fought AND he was being a wuss and followed Nyma down here without anyone knowing

Lancelot: YOU GOTTA KISS THE GIRL!!!! What a dumbass

Greentrea: Wtf no what if she hates me


Greentrea: If I die its your fault

Lancelot: You won't die

Greentrea: Ughg I might

“Y'all better not be doing butt stuff in there,” Veronica said shoving peas in Theo’s mouth

“I would never ever ever lose to you!”

“Bet, you probably already did.”

“She's got you there,” Keith said, looking like an idiot.

“Leave us alone while we do butt stuff.”

They laughed. “Ugh I should change, do you have clothes other than what my mamà is washing?” Lanced asked laying back onto the gayer boy’s legs.

“Allura?” Pidge jittered.

“Yes Pidge,” she said smiling poking her head out of the hotels bathroom.

Oh god it was so much easier when she wasn't looking. How is she so beautiful. I can't do this. “I uhhhhhh, god damn I should never listen to lance again, Ilikeyou.”

“Ooh,” she didn't know how to react, when people said they liked her she just denied them she didn't know how to say it back. “Me too?”

“So like what now?” Pidge was ready to jump out the window from embarrassment.

“I don't know.”

“I'm going for a walk,” they walked out the door, and through one a few down.

“Matt, you better not be jacking off.”

“What the hell Pidge, first you follow me down here then you come in here like I did something wrong.”

“Surrrre you did nothing wrong. Anyways I just confessed, what do I do now?”

“Do I look like I know,” Matt said laying on the bed, when pidge plopped down next to him.

“Your useless.”

Greentrea: Ok so I did a thing now idk what to do

Lancelot: Ask her on a date

Greentrea: Who you with

Lancelot: What you mean

Greentrea: Well that was like a 5 minute late reply

Lancelot: Oof

Greentrea: Wow ok then

“Welp good luck, also we head home tonight, you better look good.”

They walked out “I always do.”

Swinging the door open dramatically “Want to go to the science museum on tuesday?” their voice had changed from fear to full confidence.

This trash and small so yeah s8 tho amiright

Rumours☆A Klangst Modern FicWhere stories live. Discover now