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His hours constructed of learning partial things and thoughts of the sad emo boy well and one of his classes had a test. His heart swelled when he saw Ryan from sadness he wanted the affection he had given him back. They had had good closure and they were on good terms but Lance was lonely now and it was sinking in when he didn't receive Ryan's loving smile instead just a nice smile.

Lance wanted to jump right in with Keith, but was still hesitant. What if he was only using him to get the affection back, what if people think he's a cheater, and the one that clouded his mind for the rest of the week was. What if he isn't good enough for Keith?

Pidge walked up to their loving girlfriend with pinkish lilies and a card with a thoroughly thought out love letter. It was their 2 month anniversary and since Pidge was unsure how long this would last she decided to at least make it special. Over those two months they've bonded over robotics and went shopping for a roomba. Pidge was accepted into Harvard somehow, they had no idea how or any idea how they were gonna pay for it. It was a short time but it was a great time.

Romelle broke up with Ina as she didn't need a reason, well actually she liked Allura but you know details. Hunk was still madly in love with Shay. Keith's small crush became a much larger one. Veronica met Axca (Win for the lesbians). James accepted his break up with Keith and they found some kind of closure, and he returned to his nerdy assholeish self. Shiro and Matt were happy together and Matt got a job and Shiro should him some of the ropes of taxes. Coleen was still stuck in lala land.

“Lance, I'm sorry, god why is this so hard.” He paused looking the other in the eye. “Goddamnit I like you, over the past year I've come to like you so much and I'm so sorry.”

He wiped the tears from his eyes giving him a soft smile “Keith… are you that dense I like you too.”

“Then why didn't you say something asshole.” Keith shoved him back.

“Well you never dropped any hints ever!”

“I did too, I was super affectionate in my own ways.”

“Sure. Now can I finally fucking kiss you?”

Keith smiled at the question and nodded. Lance's small lips overlapped his, the darker boy moving his hands to the other's neck. It was a pure kiss full of bliss. Keith bored of the simple kiss pushed his tongue through to the others mouth. It's warmth felt out of place to the warmth of the cavern and it didn't care it snuck through the nooks and crannies looking for nothing and everything. Lance pushed away needing air.

He replayed the action in his head over and over. The taste was still lasting in his mouth, it had sour undertones probably from the sour skittles that had been eating, and popcorn they had been watching a movie at Keith's. The saliva of the other meshed with his own.

A hand snaked around Lance's interlacing their fingers.

Sorry for the spam also idk like what to write after dis so yeet

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