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Brendon💦: Lance did you fall asleep

Brendon💦: Aww man you did I was having fun

Sharpshooter: No I was talking to someone

Brendon💦: Ah makes sense you replied 20 minutes later

Sharpshooter: I should be going to sleep I'm gonna fall asleep in Class, and 2nd is Shiro yep I already have detention

Brendon💦: Why would Shiro give you detention.

Sharpshooter: Well every time I fall asleep in his class I get detention or have to do all my missing work in that class and that is a lot

Brendon💦: Eeh you'll probably be fine, anyway wanna hang out tomorrow after school

Sharpshooter: wouldn't you being seen socializing with me in public ruin your street cred and your rep

Brendon💦: I don't have either so no,

Sharpshooter: Alright sure what are we gonna do

Brendon💦: Idk what do you do with your friends

Sharpshooter: Play video games, or d&d, go to the park, idk just hang out

Brendon💦: You play D&D

Sharpshooter: Yup, I know I'm a nerd get over it

Brendon💦: I'm dying Shiro is so gonna ground me, I pray to god he's asleep

Sharpshooter: Lol he's not

Brendon💦: Tf how do you know

Sharpshooter: He's in the gc me and my friends are in and he was awake like 15 minutes so unless he can fall asleep that fast I doubt he's asleep

Brendon💦: Welp shit I'm so gonna be grounded

Sharpshooter: So am I, I'm pretty sure Veronica is awake and she's so gonna rat me out for being awake this late

Brendon💦: Well we shall enjoy our last few hours of freedom

Sharpshooter: Wait bitch we still hanging out tomorrow if we both probably grounded

Brendon💦: Yes, meet me at the Library at 3:45

Sharpshooter: Library you know what that is

Brendon💦: You know swear words, man I should tell on you

Sharpshooter: Whatever ass

Brendon💦: Lol goodnight Lancey Lance

Sharpshooter: Night asshole 💙

“LANCE GET UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE TO SCHOOL,” Luis, his older brother, screams through the door.

“I'M UP,” he screamed back frantically searching his room for clothes.

At school

“Pidge, you excited for tomorrow,” Lance said walking with them to 1st hour.

“Yes but I'm also worried, like what if Matt isn't there and it is a trap, or it is Matt but he's already dead, or he's in a prison and we can't get him out, honestly I'm lucky to even have my dad and mom but now I'm gonna run off to Jamaica. And I'm going with Allura which won't help my anxiety anymore, I'm just already a mess.”

“Come on now, he’ll be there and you'll be fine with Allura after your nerves calm down you'll be fine. And any she probably likes you back, alright I'm a professional and I totally bet she has a crush on you.”

“Alright but if I die tell my parents I was eaten by a shark that was shipped off into space.”

“Will do, pidgeon,” he said ruffling their hair and walking to his seat.

The bell rang finally, 55 minutes of trying to keep your burning eyes open isn't easy. As he walked to second hour he almost tripped but was saved by the backpack of someone.

“Ooh shit sorry.”

He was focused on apologizing and making sure he didn't have a bloody nose he didn't know who he was talking. “Still have a lot of nerve Mcclain.”

“James come on don't be such an ass, Lance are you ok,” he smiled at Keith sticking up for him in the slightest.

“Yeah I'm fine, just gonna be late for class.”

“Shiro’s class correct,” Lance nodded, while James scowled at the interaction. “Alright I'll walk you.”

“You'll be late then.”

“Eh doesn't matter, I'm always late.”

“I'll be fine I promise you and James should get going,” he said trying to start walking oy to be blocked by Keith.

“I'll meet ya there James,” Keith waved walking with Lance down the corridor.

“You didn't have to do that.”

“I know, but it was a great opportunity to get out the convo we were having I hated it.”

“Wow sounds like a great relationship you have going for ya bud,” lazy droned walking more of pushing past the rushing crowd in the halls.

“Whatever, why is this part of the school crowded when the rest is a desert and only the druggies hang out at.”

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