Christmas Special I guess

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They were all sat down in someone's living room.  Smiles on most of their faces,  quiet chatter swirling around the group. Hunk had made everyone hot chocolate and baked cookies the rest had decorated.

"Let's open presents." Allura propsed.

"Secret Santa first," Pidge comprised.

They all scrambled grabbing the gifts they had scavenged for at a cheap store.

Allura had gotten Romelle, Keith got Hunk, Romelle got Pidge, Pidge got Lance, Lance got Keith, Hunk got Shay, and Shay got Allura. Some of them had no idea what to get the one they had gotten others had a perfect idea.

They exchanged gifts, most scared the other wouldn't like it and anxiously shoved it the others face.

Romelle opened hers first excited to know what was in the shiny box. She had opened it to find the new Super Smash bros. Pidge was next, and Lance. Pidge had opened to find a mouse for her computer Romelle explained that she was sick of listening to her complain about her broken mouse. Lance had gotten a plant, a tropical one (Plance). They rest didn't wait for others to finish and got bored.

Hunk got an easy bake oven, not much to explain there. Shay got a candle, Hunk noticed her collection starting to slim down. Allura got Pokemon cards, Shay blamed Lance. Keith was enlightened with sappy card with one-liners in it and a book, he'd been complaining to get for the past year.

They thanked eachother Keith hit Lance then they moved onto the presents from Santa well Coran and Shiro Santa was to busy to visit a bunch of adults in space. Excitement filled the room while they opened the colorful boxes. Lance was eating the space candy while laughing at the rest of the idiots.

Pidge hid away in their collection of junk sitting in the middle of it, hiding from the peasents behind their wall. Allura slipped a note in. Pidge asked for a pen. They wrote little cute notes back and forth for the rest of the night.

"Lance?" Keith whispered searching for the idiot, they decides to play hide n go seek. Keith had given up on finding Romelle and decided to search for his own idiot.

"Go away," a small voice called from the closet.

"I did, now come out."

"I already did," he joked hoping Keith wouldn't open the closet door.

The door creaked slowly the light ran into Lance and the other objects in the closet. "Found you?" Keith questioned peering to the small room.

"I'm not here you can't see me," Lance protested closing his eyes.


A distant yell of victory was expressed.

"Meaniepants," Lance pouted, crossing his arms and looking away.

"Come on loser," Keith tugged him from his place of pouting.

"Fine, but not because you said so."

They sat down on the couch, with Hunk while Romelle and Shay played the Switch. Lance leaned into Keith, feeling drowsy until Pidge flew something into his head.


"HEY WHAT DID I DO," Hunk exclaimed.

A few chuckled, Lance was no longer drowsy and decided to get up and leave to the kitchen. Keith was gonna follow but didn't want to be a needu bitch.

"Hi," Lance expresses to Shiro.

Shiro waved, as the smaller boy dug through the fridge like object, then the cupboards.

"Whatcha looking for?"

"I don't know," he said pulling out something that replicated twinkies and chips. Triumphly he walked back to the couch. Plopping down next his one and only blanket.

He pulled open the chips watching Romelle destroy Shay at the game. Eating probably more then he would normally he felt a cold for no apparent reason, and surrounded himself with the big warm blue blanket. Keith somehow slivered his way into the blanket and started munching on the other's prize.

Allura had somehow gotten into the Pidge's small castle and consumed the smaller one into her love and affection. Shiro arrived with some more hot choclate, not as good as Hunk's but they all acceoted it and enjoyed the warm mixture. Shay handed off the controller to Pidge sick of getting her ass handed to her.

Lance started to plaster his affection on the male next to him. Cuddling him, giving him small loving kisses, and held his hand as they watched Pidge cheat her way to winning.

Coran finally entered sitting on an object he started to call a blue belly which had stuck to the rest of the crew, bean bag chair. Love and burnt cookies filled the air.

"QUIZNACK MY COOKIES," Coran yelled whils the others sat in disapproval.

After a bit Coran brought out some crisp cookies, everyone was pretty full from devoring anything Hunk had cooked prior.  They still took one politely not actually knowing what was in them.

Keith was going to die if he ate another sweet, he shoved it in his boyfriend's hand.  And grabbed the controller from Pidge asking Romelle to change it to Mario cart. Lance and Hunk joined the game. After an agressive game of Mario Cart, Hunk got last because he was getting distracted by the on lookers who weren't playing, Lance was in first most of them game but crashed and sadly got fourth, Keith 2nd, and self proclaimed master at video games got first. They switched it up playing with different people. Some retired to their room or just blandly fell asleep where they were.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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