ChAP 14

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“Keith, I’m home,” Shiro said closing the door.

Keith smiled wiping his tears and getting up and walking to him, “Shiro,” he smiled, sniffled, and hugged him.

“How was your day?” Shiro asked into Keith’s hair.

“Shitty, how was yours.”

“It was ok,” he pulled back, “are you ok?” Shiwo asked concerned.


“Keith come on, you’ve been crying what’s up.”

Keith thought about it “Nothing.”

“Fine,” Shiro said knowing he would tell him eventually.

Shiro got up and started heating up leftovers. “Eat anything?”

“Ice cream,” Keith croaked out.


This is how their conversations are normally, short and to the point. Keith could feel his bandaged thigh it was in pain pulsating, burning almost he knew the feeling all to well.

“Shiro, how'd you know that Matt was the one for you. How'd you know it was time to let Adam go? How'd you know to give up?”

“I didn't, you just either keep fighting for someone or give up because they aren't fighting for you,” Shiro said, eating some mac and cheese. “Also Mom is coming down for a week or so.”

“I have plans,” Keith quickly counter attacked

“Your gonna leave me alone with her?” Shiro showed no damage.

“Yup, James, Lance, Allura all invited me over whatever week that is.”

“Fine be that way,” maximum damage.

Keith giggled a little.

Lance: Ranch, Avocados, Milk, Candy, Taco seasoning, and apples
Lance: Shit Keith Sorry, grocery list sorry ignore that

Keith smiled at his phone as he read it.

Me: What tf are you eating
Lance: Chili
Me: Why do you need ranch then, and everything on that list
Lance: Of that's just for tomorrow so I can cook.
Me: Ok

He ran to the bathroom, his dinner was all in the toilet now. He hated himself more and more each day, taking it out on others and himself. He wiped his mouth looking at the bruises on his legs.

Bby boy: James, maybe we should take a break I don't know if I want to keep this relationship going sorry

M3: Keith please don't leave me I love you

Bby boy: Don't do this ok please I just want a break

M3: Keith I'm changing for you and i want to be better please don't

Bby boy: let me go

His eyes were starting to tear. He wiped them away not wanting to show weakness. He ran to his room, grabbing the lighter sinking it into his sink as he clicks the pain on. Preparation for hell is what he would normally call it but in this moment he would call it a way out, of this because it was already hell.

He walked through the hall people passing him, happy talking and ignoring the pain corrupting the world. James was broke. unable to function with thinking that it was s way to die. He saw who he tricked himself into loving and was shot through to see him with Lance.

His head spun while screamed. It was all a lie, he just left him for that, that thief how could he do that why would he? He hit Keith's shoulder as he passed walking to Axca, she avoided eye contact for a little bit and the small talk was sheltered and pushed away.

His world had fallen apart, who was he to tell to vent to, to prove worth for? Someone brushed past him hitting the blisters, the pain didn't take very much time at all to register, he tried to just ignore it but it wasn't working the pain kept shooting through him sparking more pain.

Keith was shocked when he saw Ryan come up and plop his ontop of Lance's head. When did they even start talking

This be getting worse and worse like idk what to write anymore

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