cHapPie 17

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Their hand clenched Allura's, scared of a dream. Knowing it was foolish she let go. Moving over to the window. Allura was hurt in a way.

Pidge was sitting criss cross applesauce on their chair, watching their food. They were disgusted.

“What's wrong?” She spoke quietly, as Coran had fallen asleep.

They were startled from the sudden noise. “Gosh darn, nothing I'm just thinking what if this is just some stupid thing. What if Matt really isn't there and this is a waste.” Their voice cracked, tears were crawling to the bottom of their eyes as was a hard lump in their throat.

Allura started to rub their back, as she saw them tense in a way only sadness would cause. “Come on, Pidge your never one to say What if's, and he's there I promise.”

“Promises are bullshit,” their words were prominent, and hissed like a snake.

Allura reiceted, not knowing how to craft a reply.

Lance over the span of the weekend had come accustomed to setting his hand out as soon as he sat down next to Kinky. He was now, red as an apple, holding Keith's hand, at church.

Keith had said that he didn't want to stay home because his mom was home. Lance being his last friend, well besides Allura who isn't in the country, took it into his hands to take him in for the weekend.

Sharpshooter: sksks wht you hilding my hand

Keith: well fuck Lance you held it out

Sharpshooter: …don't let go

And so they sat 10 a.m. on a sunday holding hands in church. Keith of course had no idea they would be going to church, so he had no nice clothes to go hear the word of his sky daddy. Lance had given him, a nice purple dress shirt and a clip on tie, Keith had no idea how to clip it on straight. Lance on the other hand had to wear a real tie, his Mamà had said he needed forgiveness from his sky daddy for being a complete dumbass, well she didn't really say that but practically.

“Lance help!!” Keith called from the bathroom, that wasn't crawling with people.

Lance waltzed in, with a terribly tied tie. He saw that Keith's tie was pretty much clipped on to the button of his shirt or his collar.

“Pfft, how do you screw up a clip on tie.”

Keith looked away in shame, “Well, you can't tie ties for shit.”

“Like you can?”

“Yes I can,” Keith pulled Lance's messy tie making him almost fall.

Lance laughed, pulling the others deceiving tie off. His own was being untied delicately. He buttoned Keith's top button on his shirt the placing the tie in place.

“Lance is that a hickey.”

“What?? You can tell.”

“Well no shit.”

“Ughgh fucking Kinky.”

Veronica passed, “No swearing Lance, or your boyfriend goes home.”

“Still not my boyfriend,”  he mini yelled in return.

“Your tie's done loser,” Keith chuckled a little, which later Lance would spend hours thinking about.

Keith wondered if Ryan had met Lance's family. Or if they stayed up till 3 a.m. texting each other, or if they really did anything together. “You gonna cover that,” Keith said bringing them back to Earth after standing there for a minute or two.

“Ah shit yeah.”

“Lance honestly,” Luis said holding Theo in his arms.

Opening the mirrors, Lance grabbed the foundation Rachael had given him before. He shook his head, not wanting to think about it at the moment. Keith sat on the toilet, smelling the array of perfumes.

Dabbing some on the area of need it was like removal paste. “You wear makeup often?”

“Not as much anymore,” he said holding his collar out as much as his tie would let him, letting the foundation dry so it wouldn't get everywhere. “Where'd you learn to tie a tie?”

“Shiro, he would have huge collections. When we went to court sometimes I would wear one. And sometimes he didn't want to tie Adam's.”

Honey pushed the shower curtain back, to reveal her eating applesauce. “Uncle Lance will you make my hair pwetty again?”

Keith was addicted to the face Lance made. “Of course, you have flowers in there too?” the small girl nodded giving him the small daisy like flowers. “And aren't you only supposed to have one applesauce per day.”

She shoved her finger to his lips, “sshh Vernan will hear.”

Lance french braided her hair into two pigtails, keeping them lose so her head wouldn't hurt. His fingers glided the hair back and forth it was like he was casting a spell, to Keith he had already fall under it mesmerized by it.

When Lance stood, leaving Keith's hand. They both experienced a sudden rush of coldness and mixed emotions. Everyone bunched into the same car.

Lance plopped down on his bed, his sky daddy didn't answer as always. He untied his tie as Keith walked in, his hair had been messed with by the kids. “Well hello there hottie.”

In the back of his mind he could hear Pidge saying that he needs to stop flirting, he ignored it trying to prove he wasn't.

Keith rolled his eyes, “Scoot over fatty,” he obeyed while complaining.

Kinky: Wanna get high

Sharpshooter: Can't idiot I'm grounded

Kinky: Come on your house isn't heavily fortified

Sharpshooter: I don't wanna anyways

Kinky: Alright, I'll just ask James

Sharpshooter: Have fun dumbass

Lance grasped Keith's hand, enjoying the feeling of his rougher skin. Keith was thinking about James, how maybe they should just get back together, when their hands interlocked.

“Don't you have a someone?”

“Don't you?”

They both had fallen into the grasp of not knowing where they stand with each other and feelings. Lance was overthinking now, he thought he was using Keith. Everytime he pushed the thought it circled back.

“Wanna make out?” Lance was shocked by himself.

“Your not on the market, loverboy.”

“That could be arranged.”

“Shut up,” Keith smiled pushing him off the bed.

“Hey don't be a fucking meaniepants.”

“LANCE!!” someone from the the other room yelled.


He could almost feel himself being repaired, like he was a car and Keith was a mechanic.

I relate to Pidge alot because robotics was my too first love

-your friendly local communist

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