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I am not my mistakes
And God knows I've made a few
I started to question the angels
And the answer they gave was you
I cannot promise there won't be sadness
I wish I could take it from you
But you'll find the courage to face the madness

- Love My Life - Robbie Williams

Chapter Twelve

Hermione knocked on the wall outside the open office door. Harry looked up from his desk, half-hidden by piles of paperwork.

'Hermione! What a nice surprise!' He jumped up from his desk. 'Come in, come in. Can I get you a drink?'

The sofa next to his fireplace was covered with files. Harry dumped them on the floor and Hermione sat down. He handed her a glass of juice and sank into the sofa next to her.

'To what do I owe the pleasure?' Harry asked. 'Everything ok?'

'Yeah, everything's fine,' Hermione reassured him. 'I just had a question for you, is all.'

'Ask away!'

'You know those memories you all gave to Teddy? The ones of Remus and Tonks. How did you do that?'

'Well, it's easier now than it was. The Department of Mysteries spent a lot of time researching and refining the process.'

'How so?'

'It used to be that you'd have to relive every memory to extract a copy of it. That's why Draco didn't go through with it when he asked about it a few years ago. But now it's much easier. We can pretty much pull 'em straight out.'

'Huh. What if...what if you don't remember the memory.'ve got to go digging for it?'

'That's...not so easy,' Harry said, slowly. 'It's doable, but it's more like the old system. Why do you want to know?'

'I've got some memories I want to record. From my final year at Hogwarts.'

'Hermione...if we have to go looking for it...I mean, there's a lot of memories from those few years that...'

'I know. But I need you to do it anyway.'

Harry reached out and squeezed her hand. He could feel her trembling.

'Why? Why would you put yourself through that?'

'My son needs me to.'

Hermione pulled out the photo from the pocket of her robes. She handed it to Harry and pointed to Astoria in the corner. Harry nodded slowly, his eyes worried.


'Can you do it now?' She interrupted. 'Before I lose my nerve?'


Hermione lay across the sofa, breathing deeply. Harry set up a small screen, similar to an old-fashioned TV. A silvery wire trailed from the bottom of it and Harry clipped it on to his wand. A circular shelf sat under the screen with empty potion bottles slotted onto it.

'You sure about this?'

'Yes. Let's do it.'

Harry sighed and pressed his wand against Hermione's temple. The screen lit up with a silvery mist.


Ron and Hermione walked along a pebbled beach, hand in hand. Waves crashed against the shore.

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