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'Cause I was gonna be your forever
You were gonna be my wife
We didn't know any better
Didn't have a clue about life
But I was what you wanted, you were what I needed
And we could meet in between
We were gonna be the greatest love story this town had ever seen  

- Greatest Love Story - LANco

Chapter Fifteen

The family trudged up the path, laden down with presents. Hermione carried Nova up to bed. Hugo yawned loudly as he followed them. Rose was sent to her room to pack her last few things, ready for staying overnight at the Leaky Cauldron tomorrow.

Scorpius and Draco were left alone in the living room. Draco cleared his throat, and pulled two boxes out of Hermione's handbag.

'What's that?'

'It's another present for you. It's from me, your Mum, your Auntie Daphne, Grandma Cissy, and Teddy.'

'Oh, thanks!'

Teddy opened the lid of the smaller box and pulled out a small, marble bowl.

'Cool! Um...what is it?'

'It's a portable pensieve.'

'Wow, that's awesome! Thank you!'

Scorpius eagerly opened the larger box. Inside were hundreds of tiny bottles, filled with silvery mist.

'Woah,' Scorpius whispered.

He pulled a random memory out. It was labelled in Teddy's handwriting.

"Meeting baby Scorpius"

'Ha, cool!'

He grinned and put it back. He picked up another one. He recognised his Auntie Daphne's writing.

"Tori's Sorting"


Scorpius sat down heavily. He carefully cradled the box, his eyes wide. He frantically grabbed another bottle. Draco had labelled it, the letters smooth and sweeping.

"She said 'yes!'"

Scorpius stared up at his father, clutching the memory. Draco smiled sadly and sat down next to him.

'I don't...I don't...' Scorpius stammered. 'I don't know what to say...'

'That's ok. Do you know how to use it?'

'I...I...I think so?'

'You pour the memory into the pensieve. You touch the mist and it pulls you inside. Once the memory is over, you pop back out. You scoop it up with the bottle to put it away. The portable ones can only hold one at a time.'

Scorpius nodded. The bottles clicked softly as his hands shook.

'You don't have to try it right away, if you don't want. But you can take it with you to school, if you like.'

'I think I want to take a look. Do you want to come too?'

'I will if you want me to.'

'I'll be ok, but you're welcome to come along.'

Draco shook his head, pulling Scorpius into a hug.

'I wouldn't want to interrupt. But I'll be right here when you get back, Ok?'

Scorpius nodded and selected a bottle. He gave Draco a wobbly smile, and poured it into the bowl. He could see images swirling in the fog. Taking a deep breath, Scorpius plunged his hand into it, and was sucked out of the room.


Draco was in his early twenties. He was walking down a corridor, his arms full of files.

Scorpius hurried after him, looking around. He recognised the Ministry from visiting Hermione at her office.

Draco paused outside a door and knocked. Without waiting for a response, he pushed it open. Scorpius slipped in after him. He saw his Auntie Daphne sat behind a desk. She looked up and smiled as Draco walked in.

'Here's the documents you asked for,' Draco said, his tone bored.

'Thank you, Mr Malfoy.'

Scorpius grinned, it was weird not hearing his dad be called "Granger-Malfoy". His Aunt's voice sounded strange. He realised this was before she emigrated. She had picked up a bit of an accent over the years in Australia.

Draco went to leave. He had reached the door when Daphne spoke again.

'Have you met my sister, Mr Malfoy?'

Draco and Scorpius turned to the figure sat by the fireplace. Scorpius didn't know how he'd missed her before. His heart jumped as he recognised her.

'Astoria, this is Draco Malfoy. Draco, this is my sister, Astoria.'

Scorpius stared, tears blurring his vision. He hastily blinked them away. She wasn't much older than Teddy was now. Her heart-shaped face was tanned and freckled, blonde hair tied back in a messy bun.

'Nice to meet you,' Draco said, stiffly.

'Nice to meet you too.'

Tears trickled down Scorpius' face at the sound of his mother's voice. She spoke softly, her face lighting up with a smile.

'Astoria has been travelling around Asia since she left Hogwarts last year. She's just got back from India. How long were you there, Tori?'

'Just three months. Have you been, Mr Malfoy?'

'Uh, yes. Only to see the Taj Mahal, though.'

'Oh! You should see more of it one day! Do you like to travel?'

'Yeah, um, it's alright?'

'Only alright?!'

Astoria's laugh made Scorpius smile, though the sound twisted at his heart.

'You're obviously not doing it right, Mr Malfoy, if you think traveling is only "alright".'

'Clearly I need a better guide,' he said, flashing a smile at Astoria. 'And please, call me Draco.'

'Very well...Draco.'

'You should tell Astoria about your travels, Mr Malfoy,' Daphne said, making them both jump. Scorpius guessed they'd forgotten she was there. 'She was about to go get some lunch, but she doesn't know her way around this part of London very well and I'm far too busy to take her...'

'Oh, well, I'd be happy to point you in the right direction,' Draco offered.

'Great! Let me grab my bag.'

The memory faded as Draco and Astoria walked out of the office. Daphne shook her head and opened a file, smiling to herself.


Scorpius looked around, slightly disorientated. Draco crouched down next to him, his hand on Scorpius' shoulder.

'You ok?'

Scorpius burst into tears and threw himself into his father's arms.

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