Chapter 12

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You loved this! Stark had a limo waiting outside the airport for you, Steve, Thor, and Loki. Not only that, but you were staying at his huge house in Malibu.

When you got there, you were the first out the limo.

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" you ran to the house and Jarvis unlocked the door for you.

"Hello Miss (y/n). Would you like anything to eat?" asked Jarvis.

"Umm." you thought about it for a second.

Before you could reply, Thor pushes you down and says, "PIZZA!"

Steve puts down his luggage and goes to help you up.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes thank you." you said.

You gave Thor a death glare and he cowered.

"So what are we doing today?" asked Loki.

"Well, I'm going to Hollywood. I really need some me time. You can come but once we get there, I'm going sight seeing!" you said.

"But what if we get lost?" asked Thor.

"We'll meet where we split. Well, Tony has cars here too...LET'S GO!"

You all raced down to where Tony had his cars and jumped into the nicest one. Then you were off to Hollywood. You guys ended up splitting up in front of a Wax Museum.

"Ok. This is where we meet at around.....10 p.m. It's four now so we have seven hours in Hollywood. Kay? Kay." You gave them $100 each, then went off.

   Thor, Steve, and Loki decided to stay together.

Boom boom boom.

"What's that?" asked Loki.

Boom boom boom.

"It sounds like...some sort of music.." said Steve.

They followed the music and ended up in some alley way, but there was music coming from an open door. A man was standing outside that door. The guys approached him.

"W-what? Oh wow! Y-you're Thor! Would you and your friends like to go in? No I.D. needed!" said the man as soon as he seen them.

Thor nodded, and the three strolled right in.

It was dark in there, but there were colorful lights dancing on the walls. So many people were dancing, drinks in their hands.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is a bad idea?" asked Steve.

"Oh what? Are you afraid that 'mummy' is going to give us all a spanking?" teased Loki.

"When she finds out, she just might give us a spanking!!" yelled Steve.

"You mean IF she finds out?" said Thor.

"Of course she's going to find ou-.....if? If is good." said Steve, smiling.

They all looked at each other.

"Party?" said Thor.

"Party." smiled Loki.

"Maybe 'Party' will be our 'Always'." laughed Steve.

Loki and Thor looked at him in confusion.

"...I read."

Then down to the heart of the club they went.


This. Is. Hollywood!

Of course you were going shopping! Anyway, it was going to be hot tomorrow and you were going to Disneyland!

You went into different stores and bought shorts in your favorite color, nice sandals, and a cute top. And it was all under $30. Oh, you could get used to this. You then felt like going to the movies. You decided you were going to watch The Purge. So you found a movie theatre and bought your ticket and went in.

When you went in it was 5. You came out and it was almost eight. So you decided to enter the wax museum. That took you about one hour, since you lingered so long at each wax figure of actors and actresses, taking selfies to show friends back at New York and tell them you met all these celebrities.

So when you came out it was 9. One more hour. So you went inside Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. That took about one hour and a half.

"Holy crap!" you said when you came out and went back to the wax museum.

You waited and waited. And the guys didn't show. Oh God....were they lost!?


"LAA DEE LAAA DAAA!" sang a drunk Thor.

Well, they were all drunk. And they unknowingly went into a tattoo parlor.

"Umm. Hi. What can we do for you today?"

"Make me beautiful!!" said drunk Loki.

"Umm...would you like a tattoo? A piercing?" asked the guy.

"Hmm...I don't know what those are " said Loki and he and Steve and Thor burst out laughing.

Loki then looked up and seen a picture of a tattoo of a snake on the ribs.

"I want that!" he said, pointing at it.

The guy looked up and nodded, then went to sketch it. When he came back he motioned for Loki to lay on his side on one of the recliner chairs and Loki did just that.

Then the guy got to work.

"That looks painful!!" laughed Steve.

"Loki, you're going to be beautiful!!" said Thor and laughed so hard he fell on the floor. Steve laughed at him.

"Aaaaahhhhh this pain! But it is good pain!!!" yelled Loki.

"What did the young man say at the party? You Only Live Once?" asked Steve.

"YOLO!!" boomed Thor.

"Yolo!!!!" yelled Loki and laughed some more.


It's been almost one hour and the guys haven't shown.

   "UGH! Where are they!?" you wondered aloud.

You then heard some singing.


You turned to see the guys....drunk. And where did they learn that song!? And why did Loki have his shirt off!? Mr. Skinny Bone Jones!!

"Where's the rum!!" yelled Steve.

"'TIS GONE!" boomed Thor.

"But why is the rum gone!?" yelled Loki.

What!? They haven't seen Pirates of the Carribean! And they said that scene wrong!

"Where have you been!? Why are you drunk!? And-"

You spotted Loki's tattoo.


"But I am pretty now! I'm a pretty princess!" laughed Loki. "Steve is my knight in shining armour and Thor is the dragon!"

"Roar!!!" yelled Thor.


You grabbed Thor and Loki by their hair with one hand and grabbed Steve's ear with the other.

"We're going back to Malibu! Idiots!"

Mission Dummy (Avengers x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now