Chapter 15

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Wow! To start off, I never thought this story would get so many views!! 1.3k !!! Thank you so much Wattpad family!! You guys are awesome!! *gives everyone pie* Oh and also, colorguardgirl0109 gave me a request that Loki and Steve should fight while the reader is...occupied. She told me what the reader was doing exactly but shhh I wanna keep it a suprise! She suggested this awhile back but I haven't forgotten! PLEASE follow her and read her stories!!

Well the story continues xD

It was night time now and the boys loved the rides. They got on almost all of them. But they freaked out in Indiana Jones when the huge snake came out. You laughed so hard.

It was now time for the fireworks. Luckily, you guys found a place to sit on a bench where everyone was gathering. Then the show began.

Steve seemed pretty used to it, but he smiled.

Thor and Loki, however, were just amazed.

"Look, brotha! Colorful shooting stars that explode!" exclaimed Thor.

"(y/n) it's beautiful!" Loki told you.

You smiled. You didn't regret bringing them here. They were so happy.

"Look! Look! Over there!" pointed Steve.

You all looked in the direction Steve pointed to and seen Tinkerbell flying through the air. Well, it was a woman dressed as tinkerbell attached to a harness but you let the boys believe what they wanted to believe.

When the show was over, you all were so star struck that you didn't notice that Thor was gone.


"Hey, where's Thor!?" you asked.

"I don't know!" said Loki.


"Okay... Well we are only getting on one more ride! After that we have to go back to Stark's Malibu home and rest because we are flying back to New York tommorrow." you explained. You sounded like a mother talking to her children.

And Steve and Loki made it seem more so.

"Awww do we have to?" they asked.

"Yes! I miss my bed." you said.

They shrugged.

You pulled out the Disneyland map and handed it to them.

"Here. While I go look for Thor, you two agree on what ride you want to go on last. Okay?"


You went and they looked over the map.

"I say we should go to Splash Mountain again." said Loki.

" How about we get on a ride we haven't been on. Ooh Peter Pan looks good. And it's closer that Splash Mountain." Steve smiled.

"No. Splash Mountain will give us the final thrill we need!" yelled Loki.

"But we've been on that ride 10 times!" yelled Steve.

"I don't give a damn, idiot!"

Steve pushed Loki. "We are getting on Peter Pan!"

Loki glared and he pushed Steve. "NO! We are getting on Splash Mountain!"

Steve grabbed Loki's hair and Loki punched Steve. They started to fight.


"Thor! Thor where are you!" you screamed into the crowd.

Nope. Didn't find him.

You were nearing the Indiana Jones ride.

Damnit! Where was he?!

You sighed. You were going to try one last time or else Thor was going to find his way home.

"Thor!! I have poptarts!!!" you yelled.

Then you heard it. "I AM THOR!"

Thor came running to you, with a big smile on his face.

Ah, finally.

"Where are the delicious pops of tar?!" he asked.

"At home. Come on, Goldilocks, we're getting on one last ride. Steve and Loki are agreeing on one."

You and Thor walked to where Loki and Steve were.

...Aaaand they were fighting. How is no one stopping them!? No security?!

...Oh wait. Right. Crazy Norse god of Mischief who's a master of magic and Strong Super Soldier.

"HEY! STOP IT!" you yelled but they didn't listen to you.

So you went to try and pull them apart, but that didn't work.

You huffed and went back to where Thor stood and crossed your arms and pouted.

"Thor. Gimme your shoe." you said.


"Just do it!"

Thor gave you his shoe and you threw it and it hit Loki who stopped to rub his head. Steve was going to punch him.

"Thor, gimme your other shoe!!" you yelled.

And he did. You threw it again but this time it hit Steve.

They both stopped.

"Finally!! Why were you fighting?" you asked.

"Steve wants to go to Peter Pan but I want to go to Splash Mountain." Loki whined.

"Peter Pan!? We haven't been there!! Off to Neverland!!" you yelled.

"Yesssss!" said Steve.

Loki huffed and crossed his arms, following you, Thor, and Steve.

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