Quick Feet

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A/n: hey guys. I might not be updating much or I'll be updating at rapid fire since writing is my escape from reality. I'm currently being bullied at school for not liking certain things. It's gotten to the point where I speak verbally about it, I start crying. I just want it to stop. But please keep reading or shoot me a Dad joke to make me smile. It feels like I haven't had a genuine smile in a long time and I'm overdue for one. Thank you for understanding and keep reading.

One month later:

I've seen more and more of my soulmate in the dreams except on the weekends when I stay at home. But his hands and lower body are uncovered from invisibility.

I hugged Hoseok at the wing split and he had me promise to text him if I'm worried about anyone's actions like everyday. He went off to his wing and went into mine. The closer I got to the classroom, the more on edge I got. When I opened the door, there was somebody challenging a man with red hair to a rap battle. When I looked closer, the man was actually Yoongi. He changed his hair. His hand was on his face like he had a headache and he was spacing off, a guilty look on his face. Just like every day.

Then the guy slammed his hand on Yoongi's desk. Yoongi jumped and looked up at him.

"What?" His snappy voice sounded hoarse. He probably didn't drink enough water.

"Rap battle. Now."

"No. Go away."

A breath was sucked in by everyone in the room.

"Hyung, are you feeling okay?" Namjoon asked.

"What do you think?!"

He turned his head to yell at Namjoon and saw me looking at him. His voice immediately died. The guilt and pain on his face increased. He placed his head in his arms on his desk.

Namjoon glanced at me and then back to Yoongi.


I walked over to the guy still pressuring Yoongi to a battle. Setting my stuff down on the desk in front of Namjoon, I went up at him.

"He said no. So use your ears and listen."

"This has nothing to do with you, kid!"

"This does have something to do with me because you're yelling and it's giving me a headache. It's pissing me off."

Namjoon looked shocked at my choice of words. Yoongi's shoulders jumped when I snapped.

"So what? Oh no, the pipsqueak is getting a headache. We're all going to die. Big deal."

"It is a big deal to you. And maybe not all of us, but you, yes you might die."

"Are you trying to start a fight?"

"So what if I am?"

"You can't even land a proper hit. Not with your height."

I shrugged and cracked my knuckles.

"Wanna test that theory?"

"Bring it shor—mmph!"

My fist connected with his stomach, swinging a straight punch at him. He stumbled back and coughed. Yoongi raised his head as the guy straightened up and came at me. I dodged his punch, whirled around and delivered a sharp elbow to his ribs. He tried punching me again, but I slipped past him and wiped him off of his legs.

"Wha—What the fuck?"

I rolled up my sleeves to show off my defined biceps. A few girls squealed and I heard a gasp behind me. Yoongi.

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