Pattering Rain

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Jimin's POV:

I woke up to thunder booming. The building shook as rain pelted the window. My chest tightened and my eyes were wide as my body shook.

"Y—Yoongi?" I asked, feeling around the bed for him.

No sign of the red-haired man. Quickly, I scrambled out of the bed, wrapping a fuzzy blanket around my naked body. Then I left the room to find him. Each time thunder clapped, I struggled to keep in a yelp. Then the lights flickered. Once. Twice. Out.

I was doused in darkness.

"Yoongi?" I whined, sitting down against the wall before my legs would give out from beneath me. No response. "Yoongi!"

This got a crash from another room and a door to open. Footsteps came down the hall and froze when lightning flashed, revealing my trembling form in the darkness.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" He kneeled down next to me and took me in his arms. I started to feel a bit more comfortable, but the another strike of lightning came down and thunder shook the building again. This time I did yelp as I buried my face into his clothed chest. My hands held his sweatshirt in a shaking death grip as tears threatened my cheeks. "Are you scared of the storm?"

I nodded quickly into his chest. He sighed, pulling me up with him.

"Let's go back to bed then and sleep the storm out." I nodded at his offer and clung onto him. Then a loud ringing came from the living room, making me flinch. Yoongi's hand pet my head gently. "Go ahead and get in bed. I'll go get that."

Yoongi's POV:

It was Jimin's phone that was ringing. A picture of one of Hoseok's many strange faces dominated the screen.

I hit the green button as I came into the bedroom. Jimin took the phone from me and placed it against his ear.

"I'm at Yoongi's," he said gently after a while. "I'm fine,'m okay, I promise...I will...okay, bye."

"What did he want?" I asked, slipping under the sheets and taking off my sweatshirt.

"He was wondering where I was and if I was okay."

"Are you?" I chuckled softly, feeling him lay his head on my chest and cuddle up to me. My arms wrapped around him and kissed his forehead.

"I am now," he hummed softly. I smiled at this and felt him relax. But every clap of thunder would make him tense as I pet his hair to calm him down.

"Do you want to watch some movies to drown out the storm?" I murmured. I felt him nod. "You'll have to let me go for a second."

He nodded and squeezed me before letting me leave the bed to grab my laptop. I came back with the device and the boy was on me again. I placed my computer on my legs and logged back in, pulling up a streaming website.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Mmm," he hummed, looking at the choices. "That one."


I played the film and he snuggled up closer, keeping himself warm. Every now and then, thunder would shake the house and Jimin would whimper, but I would turn up the volume and kiss his hair to calm him each time. The storm kept up its raging pace for a few hours, allowing us to watch movies and cuddle for about maybe four movies before the rain began letting up, thunder still rolling in the distance. Jimin was dozing off but would snap awake to stay with me.

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