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Hoseok's POV:

I could've sworn I heard something last night. But by the time I had decided it wasn't a robber and went to go check, I was on my way to sleep. So I didn't notice Jimin's door quietly closing or the lingering smell of sweat. I did notice Yoongi passed out of the couch, his hair wet from something not unlike the faint sweat scent.

I thought nothing of it and only thought that he decided to take a late night shower. So I was confused when I woke up to the sound of laughter and bacon. Not the bacon bit—the laughing.

Did Jimin invite Jin over? But that didn't sound like a windshield wiper. It sounded like Yoongi and Jimin.

Walking out to the kitchen, I saw Jimin making breakfast at the stove and Yoongi behind him, his arms wrapped around his waist. I cleared my throat and Yoongi jumped back.

"Did staying the night change your relationship that much?"

"I guess," Yoongi replied sheepishly. There was a tint of red on his cheeks. He was hiding something.

"Uh huh. Jimin?"


"What happened last night that I'm not aware of?"

"Well..." Jimin started. "You were right. Yoongi was my soulmate."

"REALLY?!" I squealed. But there was something in the way that Yoongi blushed darker that I wasn't getting the full picture. "What else?"

"What do you mean what else? He's my soulmate, short and simple," Jimin replied, scooping the eggs and bacon onto three plates along with a piece of toast on each.

"That's not what Yoongi's face is saying." Then I had an idea. "Besides, I heard you last night."

This time both of them flushed, their eyes widening.












"You didn't know?!" Jimin asked, embarrassed.


"Then what did you hear?!"

"Just a noise! I didn't know what it was and when I went to go check, I think Jimin was shutting his door and Yoongi you were wet. I thought you took a shower! But no! You had sex with my brother?!"

Yoongi was silent, his mouth open in a response that just couldn't slip past the red staining his face.

"Just eat!" Jimin said, pushing a plate to me, handing one to Yoongi, taking his into the dining room.

"When I said man up, this wasn't what I meant," I said quietly, still shocked. "But it got Jimin to stop hating you, so I mean it's not that bad, I guess?"

"Hoseok—I—erm..." he trailed off as if he was unsure of what to say.

"If you're going to chat, do so later!" Jimin called. "I didn't make you breakfast only for it to get cold!"

Yoongi's POV:

Hoseok went into the dining room, me following him and sitting down at the table. The ray of slightly disturbed sunshine didn't seem to notice Jimin's foot touching mine from underneath the table, since he just kept talking. He glanced at the clock and almost spat out his drink.

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