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The fact that I was eating food that Jimin created, sitting across from him, almost drove me nuts. I had to keep my eyes down because I didn't think I could face seeing him glare at me as my eyes could've leave his plump lips.

I wanted to kiss him again.

I wanted to embrace him and tell him that he was mine.

But he said he had somebody. And I have my soulmate. I was really hoping for them to be the same person, but the kiss with Jimin was completely different than the one with my soulmate. The one with my soulmate was almost calming, Jimin's was full of disgust at the affection I tried to push across.

I guess I'll find out whether or not my soulmate is Jimin tonight.

Hoseok kept talking about something that I didn't pay much attention to, for I was preoccupied with my own thoughts.

"I'm done," Jimin said finally, standing up. "I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

"Good night, Jiminie," Hoseok called down the hall. "Mornings are fun when he wakes up."

"I can imagine," I mumbled.

"I'm glad it's Friday though."

"Mm hmm."

"I'm pretty tired too. I'll go grab something you can sleep in. Are you okay with the couch?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Be right back," he chirped.

He took both of our plates and set them in the sink, vowing to wash them later. But he just left them there. Soon, I was laying down on the couch in the dark living room, fighting sleep.

Did I want to face my soulmate just to find out it wasn't Jimin?

And if it was Jimin, what would happen next?

Would he still hate me?

Or would he despise me?

Eventually my eyes fell closed and I couldn't stop sleep from over taking me.

Jimin's POV:

I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. Running out, I opened Hoseok's door. Not there. Bathroom door. Nope. The kitchen. No.

But then I heard a hitched breath behind me.

I went out to the living room to see a man with red hair standing there. He turned around and my huge smile was slapped off.


The one who almost fucked me.

He was my soulmate.

"No," I whispered. "No no no no."

"Jimin?" He asked softly. His voice wasn't even distorted anymore. It was just him. In my living room. In my soulmate dream.

And I had started already falling in love.

But now the only thing that was falling, was my plummeting stomach. He took a step forward, lifting his hand.

I backed away instantly.

"No! This is just a nightmare because my real soulmate is still awake! That must be it!" I laughed nervously. "You can't be my soulmate! You just can't!"

I began praying that this was because the man I was in love with wasn't asleep just yet. Not because Yoongi was asleep and seeing me in a soulmate dream.

"Jimin," he said again. His voice sounded like warm honey and I wanted to wrap myself in it, but couldn't because of what happened that day.

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