Hoops and Lemons

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I'm about to start being judged by my friends again... It happened with a NamJin smut on other fic... Just know that I am not as innocent as I look, Kay? I think I've read too many smuts...

"About time!" One of the players said when we opened the door. While we were gone, Jin had made himself comfortable on Namjoon's lap and none of them seemed fazed by it. "We're starving!"

"Yeah, Yeah," Yoongi snapped. "Just shut your hole and eat your damn pizza."

And they did. Yoongi and I didn't eat anything since we had breakfast a little bit before the team showed up. After that, they started talking basketball stuff and Jin and I drowned them out, not interested.

I had been messing around on my phone for a little bit before I noticed the room had gotten quiet. Looking up, I saw everyone staring at me.

"So... Jimin," Taehyung asked. "Seen any cute girls you like?"

I blinked at him. "What?"

"Or guys! We don't mind if you like guys!" One of the other players cleared up.

"I would hope not!" Jin reproached.

"It was kinda obvious for you, hyung," another said, a few mumbled in agreement.

Jin pouted as Namjoon rubbed small circles on his hip to calm him. The elder leaned back and Namjoon placed his chin on his shoulder. It looked nice. Jin smiled warmly at me, as if telling me that it was okay to tell them if I wanted.

"Well, I don't like girls," I replied, scratching the back of my head. "And I do have a boyfriend."

Their eyes popped out. Jin's face scrunched up in suspicion and Yoongi smirked to himself.

"Who is it? Is it someone we know?"

"I would think so," I said, my voice involuntarily raising in pitch as I nodded. "I'm actually going to meet up with him after this, so..."

"Well we don't want to hold you back! If you have a date, then go!"

"No," I shook my head. "I don't think you understand. The date is a few hours after this and I don't want to leave Jin alone with a bunch of basketball geeks."

"Hey!" Jungkook shouted.

"Truth," I said, raising my hands.

"Who is it?" Jin asked, still suspicious.

"Secret," I smiled. Yoongi eyed me, a slight look of questioning on his face.

The team eventually gave up asking me and watched a movie before leaving one by one. I started getting excited for what would happen after the last person left. Jin and Namjoon were the last to leave, Jin wrapping me up in a hug while glaring at Yoongi.

"Don't you dare touch him."

"Whoever said I was!" He growled. Jin huffed and walked through the door as Yoongi smirked at me. He did that on purpose. The door shut as he stood up and took my chin in his hand. "So I'm your boyfriend now?"

"Well, I mean you are my soulmate and we did have sex," I swallowed, my heart already starting to beat faster the longer I stared in his eyes.

Smut y'all can skip to two chapters later

But he released me and sat down, patting his lap. As soon as I was situated on his legs, he grabbed my belt and kissed me, not wasting any time. The kiss got deeper and hotter as I remembered how Yoongi was leaning forward or had his legs crossed. I grinded down again just to make sure, and yup, he was hard. He groaned and slipped a hand in my pants, beginning to finger me.

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