Waste It On Me

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Jimin's POV:

I hummed as I brushed my hair out of my face, smiling at the new color I had adopted. Hoseok and I went out shopping yesterday and I got some clothes that looked cute on me.

I hope Yoongi likes it.

Hoseok looked up from his textbook when I came into the wide expanse of the main room, grinning at my appearance.

"Always knew you would look good with pink," he said.

I snorted. "Please. You weren't here when I dyed it."

"Still looks good," he insisted. "Grab some breakfast. We have twenty minutes."


I sat down in my spot at the table and ate my cereal, remembering the last weekend. The confession, the kisses, and fuck, the sex. Would Yoongi remember it if I showed up like this?

Running back to my room, I brushed my teeth after finishing and went back to the main room to see Hoseok pulling his backpack on.

"Ready, mochi?"


"Let's go."

Jin and Namjoon were walking into the campus at the same time and the elder started fawning over my hair, his sweater of the day a bit paler than my hair. I waved goodbye to my hyungs and went to class by myself. Namjoon had to run to the office to get a pass for a job interview. Self-reminder: look for jobs too.

I was about to turn the corner when I heard Yoongi speaking to someone. Giddiness swarmed my body and then a little anxiety too. What if he didn't like it?

But those thoughts went away when there was a bang on the lockers.

"I think you're forgetting something, Min." The unknown male growled. "You're not the alpha when I'm here. Maybe on the basketball team, to with me? Hell no. So I ask again. And I expect a good answer which I should've heard the first time. What is going on between you and Jimin?"

"Nothing," Yoongi said emotionlessly. My breath caught in my throat. I felt like I was choking at his answer.

"And why is that?"

"Because its only a way to get off," he mumbled. I felt the tears brimming.

"What was that?"

"Because it's only for a fuck. Nothing else is there."

"Good boy," the man said. I looked at the ground when someone turned the corner, bumping into me. "Hey, watch it—oh, hey Jimin."

I heard a sucked in breath and quick footsteps when I looked up and my eyes locked with wide feline eyes. The same eyes that held adoration just a day ago. The same eyes that belonged to the man who claimed he loved me. The eyes of a liar.

"Jimin," he said softly, taking a step forward. This unleashed the tears.

"Oh no," the guy cooed. "Don't tell me you didn't know how Yoongi felt."

"H—How much did you hear?" Yoongi asked, panic in his eyes.

"That I'm just your toy," I said sharply, despite the tears that usually had me stuttering and incomprehensible.

"Jimin, I—"

"I don't want to hear it," I mumbled, pushing past him and letting the tears run free as well as my legs.

I was bolting down the hall, bumping into several people on the way.

"Jimin!" Him.

I panicked and ran faster, going as far as flinging my backpack off to go faster. When I found a classroom that wouldn't be used until lunch, I shut the door behind me and slid down the wood, burying my face in my arms in the darkness.

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