chap 21 ; here we go again

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i look around again

"MOM!? WHERE ARE YOU?" i then start yelling.

i couldn't find her and then i start breaking into tears.

i go on my knees and sob into my hands.


kevin yells through the door and keeps knocking

i don't respond. i just keep sobbing

i swear, i thought that i saw her in back of me.

right before i knew it, kevin barged in the bathroom and kneeled down next to me.

he hugged me tightly and he started rubbing circles on my back

my sobs became louder and louder

"shh, shh. kaylen, please stop" he whispers

i then stop and fall asleep while crying in kevin's arms.

* next morning *

the sun rays sting my body and i quickly got up to close the curtains.

i go back to bed and find jake sleeping and snoring.

i face him and tace his perfect muscular jaw line.

he then crinches his face together and flutters his eyes open.

he looks deep inside my eyes.

"good morning beautiful" he says to me and places a soft kiss on my lips

"good morning" i smile at him

he sat up and stretched his muscles

i sit up to.


"what is it babe?" he turned his back around, and he is now facing me

"what happened last night? all i remember is sobbing into kevin's arms and fall asleep crying"

"you were screaming in the restroom yelling for mom, and then when kevin barged in the restroom you sobbed, and then fell asleep. i carried you in the room after you fell asleep. and in the middle of the night, you would keep saying 'mom' in your dreams, so i had to wake you up every so often"

"oh. i'm sorry about that. but i swear, i saw mom standing behind me" i tell jake

jake scoots over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

we layed down, and we're now cuddling in bed.

"do you think i'm crazy? thinking that i saw my mom's ghost?" i ask him, looking up at him

"of course not jane. yeah you're crazy, but in a fun way. when my grandpa died, i thought i saw him standing next to his coffin, but when i blinked, he was gone. i guess you could say it's normal" he tells me and kisses the top of my head

"jake, can we all go to the movies?"

"yeah, that sounds better than staying home all day right?"

"yeah" i smile at him and walk over to the door.

i open it and close it when i walked out.

i find kevin and amanda on the couch cuddling and looking through some old pictures of them when they were kids.

"hey guys"

they all look up and stare at me

"hey kaylen, are you feeling okay?" amanda asks

"yeah, i'm fine. i guess i was just paranoid. so um anyways, i was wondering if we could go out and watch a movie instead of staying home all day"

the look at eachother, then look at me.

"yeah, sure. that sounds nice" jake tells me

"okay, you two go get ready, and me and jake will wait for you. when you're done we'll go back to my place to change to, okay?" i tell them

"okay" they both say

they stood up and walked in their bedroom.

i sit down on the sofa and started going through the pictures of when me and kevin were todlers.

i stumbled across a picture of me and kevin holding hands when we were just born.

i put on a big smile on my face.

"i remember that picture. mom showed me it"

i jumped up and look back, finding jake looking at the picture.

"oh my god jake you scared me!" i tell him and slap him playfully

i took my seat and jake sat next to me.

we looked through the pictures and finally kevin and amanda came out.

"so you guy's ready?" i ask them

"yep" they both respond

me and jake stood up and walked out the apartment.

we hop in jake's car and started driving to our apartment.

once we reached the apartment,

i quickly walk into the room and picked out the outfit i want to wear

outfit ;

black high waisted shorts

#selfie crop top

black toms

i go inside the restoom and change into it.

i brush my teeth, wash my face, and applied some makeup.

i put my hair into a side braid and walk out the restroom. i look into the long mirror next to the restroom and look at myself.

i turn my head and see my mom standing in back of me just looking at me.

i shook it off because i know i'm just being paranoid, but i have to get used to seeing her pop out of no where.

i walk out the room and find jake already dressed feeding kayjake and playing with him.

"okay guy's i'm ready" i say and smile at all of them

my smile fades away when i see my mom standing in the back

"please mom, just leave me alone, this is the second time i saw you today" i tell her

kevin's p.o.v

"please mom, just leave me alone, this is the second time i saw you today" kaylen says

here we go again.

i turn my head to where kaylen was looking at.

i gasped

i couldn't believe it!

i actually see mom standing there too..


sorry for another boring chapter.

there's a typhoon happening where i live.

so i won't be able to be updating a lot because sometimes my power would turn off and i'll have no wifi.

but hope you like the chapter (:

i know this was supposed to be a romantic book n' stuff, but i thought i should add some paranormal stuff to the book, to make it a bit more interesting.

i'll be writing more romance chapters after! so don't worry.

hope you still like the book.

- Lalaloveyouu

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