How to Make Her Forget Her Insecurities

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"Can you just fucking shut up?"

James swallowed before taking a deep breath as the woman in front of him walked back and forth mumbling to herself, wallowing in self-pity and anger.

"I'm doing everything. I did my best. But somehow, it's not enough! It's never enough. I'm never enough. I'm ugly."

"You're beautiful," he cuts her off.  She looked at him but continued mumbling and walking.

"They say I'm too fat."

"You're so fucking thin and perfect I could wrap my arms in you all day."

She stopped walking and looked at him again.

"You're the most talented artist I know," he continued as he grabbed her and tried to bring her closer.

"I'm not that talented. I could dance. I could act. I could carry a tune, but I can't sing or write songs like you do," she pouted.

"Hmmm, everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, love. Mine happens to be writing songs. I can't take photographs and make videos like you do. I can't take flatlays. I'm not into directing either. I'm not as visually artistic as you," James told her as he carefully pulled her into sitting on his lap. 

She wrapped her arms around him still pouting.

"But love, I'm.."

"Perfect just the way you are. Sexy, talented, beautiful, loving, caring, nurturing and mine," he cut her off. 

She wrinkled her nose, not entirely believing him and he just chuckled at her before carrying her. 

"Come on, love. That's too much social media for you tonight. Let's get you to bed."

He laid her gently down onto the bed before kissing her forehead and walking to the other side and laying down himself and facing her.

"You're perfect Naddie. You're the perfect Nadine and no one else could be the perfect Nadine Lustre aside from you. You're perfect just the way you are. I love you so much always remember that. "

She looked up at him, searching his eyes for any lies but she found none. She gave me a small smile, almost like a sad smile. 

"I love you too, James."

He smiled at her and kissed her forehead once again. 

She closed her eyes with a small smile on her face, relishing the feel of his lips on her forehead. She fell asleep like that.

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