Of Food and Fears

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She had 10 minutes left.

She had 10 minutes left before boarding and she was still stuck in line for Starbucks. 

She didn't need the extra caffeine, really. It was her first time flying and she was nervous. Oh, and has she mentioned her fear of heights? 

She knew that she wasn't supposed to be drinking coffee at a time like this, but God she just couldn't refuse the smell of coffee that had been tempting her for the last 2 hours. 

She was getting anxious. She had no idea where she was supposed to be seated, and she knew she was most likely going to rely to wherever the flight attendants pointed her to or to the seat numbers of the seats that were placed over the seats near the overhead bin, according to Kiana. She didn't really understand, but whatever. She was going to find her seat, no matter what. 

Deep in thought, she didn't notice that it was already her turn at the counter and that she was taking a while until the guy at her back tapped her.

"Miss, if you haven't decided what your order is yet, may I go first? My plane is about to board."

Driven by embarrassment and her anxiety and her messed up nerves, she turned and looked at him from head to toe, rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you see I'm deep in thought? You could've tapped me when the person in front of me finished early! My plane's about to board too. Wait for your turn."

She took a step, gave her card to the barista and ordered her drink. A

A minute later, while the barista was writing her name on her cup, she realized what she had done. She carefully looked to her right, where the person who tapped her was also ordering his drink.

"Shit, gwapo," she cursed. 

The guy then turned his head to her but she quickly looked away pretending as if she never even looked at him and pretended to be busy ordering. 

He scoffed before walking past her to wait for his drink on the other side of the store. 

After paying, she got her change and receipt and sat down, avoiding him at all costs. She was debating with herself if she should say sorry to the guy but it was probably the last time she was going to see him and she was already too embarrassed to do so. Next thing she knows, both their names were being called, hers, Nadine before his, James,  with the barista putting their cups down at the same time. They accidentally grabbed each other's cups first before exchanging. 

She couldn't look him in the eye. She tried but she failed. When she was able to do so, he was already gone.



Her seat was 16A. It was a window seat. She knew it was a window seat. And she found her seat.

But there was already someone on the seat next to her. The one next to the aisle.

It was a guy. 

It was him. 


Continue the plane ride or nah? HAHA

PS. Prologue of Colors is up! I'll be publishing Chapter 1 tom hehe

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