➵ 2 | she's a winner

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➵ ➵ ➵ "we crave what we can't have

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"we crave what we can't have."


"the first pair, soojin from the art faculty and minju from the sport faculty! come up to the dance floor!"

the studio erupted in cheers from both sides.





ms myoung grinned, "alright you two, introduce yourselves to everyone!"

"i'm kim minju, i'm a swimmer! i may not be trained in dance, but i'm still pretty confident." minju started.

"kim soojin, dancer." was all soojin said. her cool demeanor caused the artheads to cheer and scream her name, making soojin unable to stop herself from smiling.

"pipe down, it's time to start!", ms myoung shouted, excitement evident in her voice.

the song played and minju started first. minju started grooving to the beat, and the sporties cheered.

"she's decent, but i know i'll be able to beat her." soojin confidently thought.

once it was soojin's turn, her pinkish lips curved into a small smirk as she pulled out impressive moves which made the arthead crowd go wild.

the startled looks from the sporties made her even more motivated as she shot them a look, as if saying "i bet y'all weren't expecting this."

after she stopped dancing, the artheads jumped up and cheered,




the sporties tried to stay calm but their looks bafflement couldn't be hidden. even ms myoung shot a grin at the victorious dancer, giving her a thumbs up- soojin was her star student after all. 

when it was announced that soojin was the winner of the first round, the cheers just got louder.

soojin saw minju's look of disappointment and went up to her, "hey! you did great! i was really surprised."

minju's face brightened up after hearing soojin's praises and replied with heartfelt "thanks!" as they shook hands.

as the the competition narrowed down and got tougher and tougher, soojin pulled through and emerged victorious. the air in the studio was separated into 2.

bitter on the sportie side and ecstastic on the arthead side.

after being bombarded with endless congratulations and hugs which had her shout the words "i'M SWEATY, DON'T HUG ME!" over and over again,  soojin felt someone staring at her from the back.

once she turned around, her dark eyes locked with another. however, the moment was brief as the mysterious stranger swiftly turned his head to the other direction. "wait... that's...what's his name again?" soojin pondered. she knew he was one of the 'popular sporties' and had seen his face before, perhaps at the cafeteria during lunch, or along the hallways, but couldn't seem to get his name from the back of her mind.

"congrats to soojin for winning the girl's dance battle! now, it's time for the boys to show everyone what they can do!"

soojin sat down excitedly beside her best friends- chaeyeon, who was a dancer as well as a singer, who had also won a few rounds of the dance battle, and sakura, who was a charismatic singer.

all the artheads had glimmers in their eyes, partially because they were excited to watch skilled dancers face off, partially because they knew the artheads would win the whole thing.

the atmosphere was electric as the boys showed off their moves. pair after pair went ahead, with the artheads winning with ease.

"alright, 3rd pair- jisung from the art faculty and renjun from the sport faculty!"

soojin's eyes widened as they followed the stranger who stood up from the sportie side of the room and made his way to the middle of the dance floor, immediately recognising him as the one whom she previously had locked eyes with.



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