➵5 | ghosts & screams

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➵ ➵ ➵ "you were never supposed to mean so much to me

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➵ ➵ ➵
"you were never supposed to
mean so much to me."


soojin immediately stopped shouting and looked up, to see the sillouette of a male.


"uh, no. i'm renjun, huang renjun. wait, aren't you kim soojin?"

"huang renjun...? oh."
the boy helped soojin get up, turned on a light switch that was indeed right next to the door that soojin had missed and proceeded to ask
"sooo, what are you doing here?"

"what are you doing here?"

"i asked first."

"fine- i think i left my phone here, so i'm here to get it back."

"you mean this?" renjun dug into the pocket on the side of his sweater and took out a flat, yellow object, presenting it to soojin.

there, in the palm of renjun's hand, was the
love of soojin's life, her second oxygen -
her phone.

"MY BABYY, I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" soojin screamed as she took her phone and hugged it, forgetting renjun was there witnessing everything.

renjun awkwardly coughed, not knowing how else to react to the happy ending of the 'not-so-typical' kdrama of 'soojin's lost phone'.

soojin's cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, quickly changing the subject.

"u-uh so, what are you doing here so late at night?"

"i was practicing with some friends, but i was the last one to go."

"you're a basketball player? why didn't you compete in the basketball competition then?"

"i was about to, but each student can only compete in 1 event and the sport faculty seriously needed my help for the dance competition."

renjun's words piqued soojin's interest as she recalled how well renjun danced and asked, "speaking of dance, how did you dance so well? everyone was really shocked."

soojin then learnt that renjun had taken dance lessons since he was young, but chose to pursue basketball at the school instead.

"oh shoot, it's 11:20, i should be getting back now, bye soojin." renjun stood up and bid soojin farewell, about to walk away.

"wait!" soojin briskly tugged on renjun's sweater sleeve, leaving renjun with a confused expression on his face.
"uhm...its really dark and scary out there..."

"i can't believe i'm sacrificing my sleep time for this." renjun grumbled softly.

"don't be mean! friends should help one another out, right?" soojin whisper-shouted back.

"we just met."

"then it just means that we just became friends."

but before renjun could finish his sentence,  a "hoot" sound suddenly echoed throughout the dark hallway, making soojin jump up in fear and scream at the top of her lungs, "iT'S THE GHOST!"

renjun covered his ears with his hands and winced, "what did i get myself into..?"

after convincing soojin that it was just an owl, they continued their journey, with soojin's arm now clutching tightly onto renjun's.
after a few more scares, odd noises, shadows and high-pitched screams, the pair finally arrived at the entrance of the art faculty.

"thanks renjun, and sorry for um, everything. you should head back now, i'll go to the dorm myself." soojin thanked renjun, scratching the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"nah, i'll walk you to your dorm. i don't need to have known you for 10 years to know that you'll probably see an ant and scream- i'll have to explain what i'm doing here if we get caught and that's too much of a bother.", renjun explained as he raised an eyebrow, hinting at how much of a 'scaredy-cat' soojin was.

after retaliation after retaliation, soojin finally gave up, allowing renjun to walk her back to her dorm.

( a/n : ooh this was a shorter chapter than the rest )

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