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➵ ➵ ➵ "i need to stop thinking about you

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"i need to stop thinking about you."


it was the last day of the 3-day short holiday for the geminus students and chaeyeon was finally back at the school, deciding to come back earlier than she had planned.
humming a song under her breath while passing the art lounge, she caught jeno briskly walking towards her.
"chaeyeon, i need to tell you something."

"what is it?"

"i'll get straight to the point-"
jeno briefly paused, not knowing how chaeyeon would react.

"soojin's getting close with a sportie. very close. they've been hanging out alot. frankly, i think they like each other. chaeyeon, soojin's going to get hurt if they start dating. i don't want to see her suffer. and besides, i've liked her for so long, and to lose her to a sportie whom is probably going to break her heart is so upsetting. so please, help me with this. help me stop huang renjun."

chaeyeon was at a loss for words. she had so many thoughts but couldn't put then into words. "soojin dating a sportie?" the thought made her angry.

she had warned her friends to never get too close to sporties- did her words mean nothing to soojin?

the two were confined within a prison of silence for what seemed like forever.

"i'll stop them."

chayeon stormed into the sport faculty, searching for a certain someone- huang renjun. her search didn't last long, for she spotted the boy casually scrolling through his phone at the sport lounge.

at the sport lounge

"huang renjun."

"lee chaeyeon?"
renjun was surprised to see chaeyeon. he barely knew anything about her. all he knew was that she was soojin's best friend.

"i'll only say this once- stay away from soojin."

renjun's confused expression turned cold at once. "first jeno, now her?"

"why should i? this is between me and soojin and no one else."

"you'll break my best friend's heart. you sporties are all the same. liars and cheaters. soojin doesn't deserve it. she'll lose her friends if you two date. everyone will hate her for going against our promse. i don't want that to happen to her. if you're not going to stay away from her on your own accord, then i'll just have to do it myself."
with that, chaeyeon shot one last glare at renjun and turned away.

renjun felt an indescribable feeling bubble inside of him.
"will i never see her again?" he shuddered. he was scared. he wanted to see soojin everyday. he wanted to talk to her everyday. he didn't want to act as him he didn't know her.

he liked kim soojin.


soojin groaned as her eyes opened, she was still tired from yesterday.


"alright... wait...", soojin drowsily muttered.

soojin slowly sat up, facing chaeyeon who had her arms firmly crossed.

"chaeyeon? i thought you were coming back tonight?"

"that doesn't matter. more importantly, what the hell were you thinking?! i told you so many times- don't get close to sporties. but here you are doing exactly that with huang renjun!"

"yes, we're got closer over the break. but so what? he's a good person!", soojin shouted back defensively, now fully awake.

"good person? that's bullshit. none of them are.", chayeon spat, her voice laced with venom.


"tell me honestly. do you like him?"

soojin didn't know how to answer.
did she like him?
now that she thought about it, she realised that she was happy whenever she was with him. just thinking about him made her happy. it was the feeling she felt with jeno weeks before, but much stronger.

"do i like him?"

soojin not replying confirmed it for chaeyeon.

"you do. you actually fell for him. my words really meant nothing huh? but even so, i'll let your heart be broken by him. you'll never be together. never."

tears began welling up in soojin's eyes while she bit her lip to hold back from letting her tears fall.
when she began to taste the faint presence of blood from her lip, she gave up and crystal-clear tears tricked down her porcelain cheek.

she liked renjun.

if she didn't, she wouldn't be feeling the way she was currently feeling- broken.

soojin wanted to convince herself that chaeyeon wasn't being serious, but she knew that wasn't the case. her best friend was persistent and stubborn and that if she said she would do something, she no doubt would.

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