Step Nine: Covering

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In Time by monsta x, part of my absolute favorite mx album to date

i put the song above because first off, it's a whole soft bop that can soothe me any day of the week. second, because this chapter has a real nostalgic feel to it, where both men acknowledge old feelings. the song itself is about a close relationship lost, and trying to get back to that time when you were together. not tryna spoil the chapter or anything, so i'm just going to let you get to it!


Jihoon wakes before me. I probably wouldn't have known if he hadn't stepped onto my back whilst rushing his way towards the en suite. Groaning, I can only glare over at his fallen form as I try to take in a full breath. The fact that he's just tripped over my sleeping form isn't nearly enough justice.

"What the hell are you doing on the floor?" He asks hotly, clearly annoyed to have tumbled over me so early in the morning. He clutches the side of his head in pain, and I feel my own irritation dissipate some. 

"You made me sleep down here," I point out quietly as I push myself up to a sitting position. "Remember? You threw a fit saying that I was just trying to jump your bones, and then when I crashed down here you would not shut up-"

He groans as he stands quickly, kicking at my feet before rushing off to the bathroom. I tug my coat closer around me in annoyance, glaring at the blankets twisted on the bed where Jihoon got to rest comfortably. The sheets are even pulled aside, the warmth probably stifling for his Royal Highness.

"Not like we've never slept in the same bed before," I grumble to myself, granted it usually ended with something between us. I lie back down in my spot on the floor, tucking my arm up under my single pillow to try and find a comfortable position.

It's cold down here, and I can feel the sore spot growing in between my shoulder blades each time I breathe too deeply. I try not to groan in pain when I hear the bathroom door open again, Jihoon's bare feet dragging against the carpeted floor too loudly. "Can you keep it down? I'm trying to go back to sleep."

I hear him settle back onto the bed, mumbling under his breath all the way about the rude bastard on the floor. I tug my coat collar up under my chin, tucking my hands under me to try and protect more of me from the chilled hotel room. "Can you check the thermostat?" I ask quietly, pulling my fallen face mask up over my chin again.

Jihoon hums after a long moment of stifling silence, standing again and shuffling along the carpet noisily. "It's 16°C right now," he says quietly, bounding back to the bed quickly. [approx. 60°F]

"Shit," I mutter to myself, drawing my legs up to my chest. "So you're saying I've been freezing down here all night while you're nice and cozy in my bed?" I sit up to glare at him, startled to find that his head is leaning over the edge of the bed to watch me. I have to stop mid motion to keep from colliding with him, and he flinches back in fear. "What the hell are you staring at?" I ask through my glare, my cheeks puffing out in annoyance.

He shrugs, settling back down with his chin atop his hands, the blanket pulled tight around him in a cocoon. "Just wondering why the hell you're being such a little baby so early in the morning." He takes some effort to glance over his shoulder, reading the bedside clock. "It's barely five A.M., and you're still acting all entitled."

I scoff, pushing my palm into his face to knock him back and away. "I don't think you realize that this is my hotel room, which I paid for, so that I personally could sleep in the bed. I didn't extend my stay just so you could act like a royal ass and overthrow everything."

He snickers at that, sitting up and holding the blanket open at his side. I glare at him for a few seconds, daring him to tell me he's only joking and won't actually let me share the covers, especially on the bed. I hustle under the comforter quickly, knocking my knees into his side to try and steal as much of the covers as possible, snickering when he whines.

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