Step Fifteen: Expelling

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in celebration of iKON's 3rd anniversary, here's this bop ~! (also, it really fits this chapter, like damn these boys need to bum already and calm down aaaaaa)



"Why am I not surprised this was your big secret hideaway?"

Jihoon glares at me, pulling his sleeping bag up around his ears like a hood. "Sungwoon and I used to come here when we were young. It's good enough."

I glance around the vinyl walls of our rented tent, the wind rustling outside. "I didn't even realize campgrounds were still opened this late in the year." I pause at the sound of a foil wrapper pulling apart, an open bag of chips held out to me from beneath Jihoon's blanket.

"Want some?" He asks quietly, his hand shaking slightly. I wave him off, tugging my own blanket closer around me to fight the air that a thin tent cannot protect us from. "I imagine some adventurous hikers and maybe some kayak-oriented people would camp out here this time of year, but I'm not surprised that we're the only ones here today."

I lean against the lone pillow given to us when we walked into the renting lodge, the woman firm in the rule of just one pillow per tent, despite having nothing but vacancies. "How're you feeling?"

Jihoon shrugs, popping a chip in his mouth and chewing thoughtfully. "Well, we covered the accident earlier, and I guess I understand how my brother works into that situation..." He pauses to bite into another chip, looking into the bag in search of a distraction. "I suppose the world is a lot smaller than we realize."

I shrug, my sleeping bag crinkling against itself loudly as I shuffle back to try and get comfortable against the ground. "It's probably fate trying to tell me something. Like, that I should forgive him fully for everything that happened."

"Why would you seeing him today mean you should forgive him?"

Because he's the brother of the guy I'm in love with, you damn moron. "I dunno, just 'cause it's the third anniversary of the accident, and here he is helping me escape a new near-death experience."

I accept Jihoon's second offer of the chips, knowing he's only holding the bag out to give himself an extra moment to think of a reply. "I doubt my father would have killed you. Maybe me, for whatever reasons he has, but not you."

"Well watching you die would kill me," I point out blandly, not knowing how to voice the painful thought any other way. "But it's my turn to ask something I suppose, since I already gave you a run down on my knowing your brother."

He nods, setting his bag of chips aside to tuck himself further into his sleeping bag. The zipper presses into his cheek, but he doesn't seem to notice as he regards me in the dim lamp-light. "If I know an answer, I'll give you one."

"Are you sure your brother hates you? Because as far as I can tell, he was defending you, and even stepped up when your dad called you a f-" I stop, the curse something sour to say even after years of hearing it.

"I dunno," he mutters with a sigh. "I never said he hated me, just that he was on my father's side. But I don't know much about that either I guess."

"Do you think your dad will kill him since you're gone now?" I grimace at the blunt question, smacking myself against the forehead. "I mean, not like kill him or anything, but just maybe-"

Jihoon rolls his eyes at me, kicking his foot out from beneath his blanket to hit my crossed legs. "I don't know what's happening, or what's already happened."

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